

My friend came back!

My best friend from High School just came back to Japan from New Zealand. Her name is Narumi, and we have been really close friends from our High School days. When she was in New Zealand, I went to see her on Summer Vacation, and stayed with her about two weeks! She had school, but she took me so many places. We had a lot of fun! Now she is in Japan I went to her house and we made Chijimi. We ate a lot. She is staying overnight next Wednesday, I’m looking forward it. (95 words)



The classes ended! I’m so happy that I don’t have classes anymore! However, we have the tests next week, but I’m still happy because we have summer vacation after the tests. We have no school about a month and half. I got so many things to do like, going to see, going to the trip, going to the softball practice, and I must be working on my Sotsuron. I want to write really nice one, so I will do my best! I also have my friend’s wedding. It is my first time to go to my friend’s wedding. Her name is Hidemi, and we are friends from Junior High School. I can’t believe that she is just going to marry because we are only 22 years old. However I’m really looking forward to see her wedding dress look. (138 words)


Masumi's, Taiki's, and Yu's ESSAY

What’s up my friends and welcome to our essay’s. it is a great essay’s so masumi’s one , taiki’s one and U’s essay. This long Essay is mixed by our great Essay's.
We are going to introduce about my school. The name is Kumamoto Gakuen University. This university is also known as KGU. They have often changed the name. At first, K.G.U. wasn’t called K.G.U. It was called Eastern Language Technical College, and it was built in 1942. Then they changed the name from Eastern Language Technical College to Kumamoto Language Technical College in 1945. In 1952, they changed the name to K.S.U., again, and added the department of commercial science. After that, they added the Economics Department, and when Foreign Language Department and Social Welfare Department were added, they changed the name to K.G.U. Now, we have about four faculties and about thirteen departments. We are in English Department in this university. The unit is necessary to graduate. We must have more than128 units. We have a test in the latter half of July. We should be studying for the exams. There is summer vacation when the test ends. There is summer vacation for about two months. We are looking forward very much. We can learn a lot at the university.
We think the university life is very important time for us.

Our university has a lot of students. We meet different students every day. Therefore, every day it is fresh. It was able to meet a lot of friends by getting into college, but I can’t move to next class because of the too many people at lunch time. This is a kind of negative point, but a good thing for us is that this university is very cheaper school expanse than other private university in Kumamoto, and it has more charm point.
First of all, circles are famous. One of us joined the circle. His circle is an amusement park research team. They are acting on Wednesday every week. They don't go to the amusement park so much. They drive and play sports. They are also acting with various circles. They have various friends through the circle activities. We think that the circle of the university is important. The biggest event for students who join the circle is TAKUMASAI. We have TAKUMASAI on October 29th and 30th, and we prepare for it from morning to evening. They seem very busy, but they enjoy working with their friends. We have the festival two days, and the student exhibits a lot of shops. One of us, Taiki made the tapioca, and a lot of people bought it. He wants to do the yakitori shop this year.

Next, there is a school cafeteria at the university. There are a lot of menus. A lot of students gather when becoming lunchtime. The box lunch store is crowded. There is Lawson at the university. It crowds with a lot of students includes the G.F. High school students when becoming lunchtime. G.F. High school is our attached school, and they are able to use Lawson, Gakushoku, and the bakery. A lot of women come to the bakery, but there are not so many men. Anyway, do you know croquette-don? This one was famous at KGU’s cafeteria. I often ate it. 4 to 6 years ago, changed the company at cafeteria and my friend is gone. I was very sad also everybody too. Maybe…….

Our university is very beautiful because there are a lot of cleaning members. We think that we should appreciate that. There are some smoking places at the university. This is a good thing for people who smoke and people who don’t smoke, but just now, smoking area is lesser than 4 to 6 years ago. Few years ago, we could smoke in the 4th building and library. I can’t believe why not. It is very important problem for smoker. However I think because of our university is clean. Also, KGU is very convenience, because we can buy some books, there is convenience store into the KGU and close the Kumamoto’s downtown. It is very nice. I often use these stores. These stores are good help for us. One of us smokes, and if he loses his cigarette, he can quick buy this one. It is nice for people who smoke.

Next, I will introduce our schedules for one year. On April 2nd, we have an entrance ceremony, and the classes start about five days later. The three days between the Entrance ceremony and the classes start, we invite the freshmen to join their circles and clubs. I hated that when I was a freshman, but now I understand because I want to have many kohai in my club.
On May 30th, it is the anniversary of the founding, so we have no school, the day. On July 20th, we finish the classes, and the tests start from July 23rd, and the tests end on August 4th, I already talked about the test at the beginning of this essay. Then we have Summer Vacation after the tests. I can’t wait the summer vacation, but I don’t like the tests before that. The tests week is just around the corner.
Next term starts on September 21st, and some students are very busy because they have Sports Festival on October 23rd, and about one week later, they have TAKUMASAI that I already talked about this, again.

I have question to you. How do you think, what famous in the KGU? I think It is the ginkgo.There are ginkgo’s trees at front gate. Autumn is a great season. It is nice view, but they smell very strong. I like it.
I think KGU is better off than a few years ago. For example, they got a new building, clean the large area, very nice library, yummy lunches, the environment to meet various kinds of friends, and so many other things. Pleasure to study here we think. You should come to see our university sometime! (1000 words)



Do you know a book called, “The Pest” (The title might be “The Journal of the Plague Year, 1722)? Daniel Defoe who was a very famous English writer wrote the book. I read the book to write a paper for my History of English Literature class. Of course I read it in Japanese, and it was sometimes difficult to understand even in Japanese. It took me very very long time to read. I couldn’t read all of it, but it was good for me to have a chance to read one of historically famous book. Also, I hadn’t heard about the ill, plague, so I was very surprised to know that so many people had dead because of plague in 14 century in the Europe. The book is about the surroundings of London when plague struck London, and what Defoe saw and experienced were written. Plague is also known as Black Death because the skin color turns to black!

Some people got out of London and stayed in the country side. Defoe was thinking if he should get out of London, too, but he didn’t because he had his job there. That’s why he stayed there and experienced many weird things. In the city, sometimes the many people in London say that they saw a ghost in the city. Not only one person, but many people who were there said that they can see it, too. Defoe can’t see anything like people saying, and people thought Defoe was strange. It was not just one time. He sometimes experienced that. Also many people were depending on the fortunetelling, and not really nice doctor sold drugs which has no effects with very high price.

The number of the people with plague increases, and government said not to go out to people who are with Plague, and put a watcher in front of the house. Sometimes the people with plague used violence to the watcher. The city was wasted by the illness. Then they killed their pets, too. I remember the resent news about KOTEIEKI. They killed many cows. Isn’t it similar?
Anyway, it wasn’t really interesting book for me, but it helped me to know many things. (369 words)

Essay6-Introduce our school!

I’m going to talk about my university, K.G.U. K.G.U. is at Oe in Kumamoto city, and it is a private university. They have an attached school, called G.F. High School next to K.G.U. At the lunch time, there are so many high school students at the Gakkan and student’s cafeteria.
At first, K.G.U. wasn’t called K.G.U. It was called Eastern Language Technical college and found in 1942. Then they changed the name from Eastern Language Technical college to Kumamoto Language Technical college in 1945. In 1952, they changed the name to K.S.U., again, and added the department of commercial science. After that, they added the Economics Department, and when Foreign Language Department and Social Welfare Department were added, they changed the name to K.G.U. Now, we have about four faculties and about thirteen departments.
Next, I will introduce our schedules for one year. On April 2nd, we have an entrance ceremony, and the classes start about five days later. The three days between the Entrance ceremony and the classes start, we invite the freshmen to join their clubs. I hated that when I was a freshman, but now I understand because I want to have many kohai in my club.
On May 30th, it is the anniversary of the founding, so we have no school, the day. On July 20th, we finish the classes, and the tests start from July 23rd, and the tests end on August 4th. Then we have Summer Vacation after the tests. I can’t wait the summer vacation, but I don’t like the tests before that. The tests week is just around the corner.
Next term starts on September 21st, and some students are very busy because they have Sports Festival on October 23rd, and about one week later, they have a festival, called Takumasai. Takumasai is the biggest event for them, I think. They seem they are enjoying preparing with their friends. Students work from morning to evening, and I don’t think I can do that. Anyway, students in K.G.U. enjoy their club activities a lot.
You should come to see our university sometime! (349 words)


My friend working

She is Sayako, one of my really really really close friends. She is working at an Italian restaurant at Kaminoura Street in Downtown. I knew that, but I didn’t know exactly where it is. I was shopping and walking to go back to my home, and I just saw Sayako working, so I called, Sayako!” She was surprised, too, and asked me, “Wat are you doing here? Why don’t you come inside and eat meal?” I wasn’t going to eat out the day because I was alone, but I said okay. I went inside and sat a table. I ordered pasta which was really nice. I love pasta. I waited for Sayako finishes working, and while that, we talked when Sayako has nothing to do, too. It wasn’t really busy the day because it was a weekday. At nine thirty, she finished working and sat my table then we ate dessert. I love sweets. When I was going to pay for my foods, Sayako said that she already paid for me because she said that I was the first friend who came to eat. I was so happy to hear that! I liked the restaurant, so I will go to eat there often. (203 words)

Welcome Back and Good Luck, My Friends

I took this Purikura about one week ago. They are my friends who go to KGU, and they are in the English Department, too. Their names are Miyo, Sayuri, Airi, Ayaka, and Erika. Miyo and Airi just came back from America. They went to America as the exchange students for about 1 year. I really like listening to their memories in America. When we talk about it, I remember my memories in Iowa, America, too. I want to go back there! I miss America. Anyway, we had welcome back party for Airi and Miyo the day that we took the Purikura. Also it was the party for Erika, too. She is going to Hokkaido for her induction. She said that she will come back to Kumamoto one time before we graduate. I can’t believe it. Only one time? We talked each other a lot, laughed a lot, and really enjoyed the party together. She already left Kumamoto about few days ago. I hate saying good-bye to my friends. I wasn’t ready to say good-bye to her, and I cried at the parting. I want her to take me to Hokkaido, too, haha. I hope that she enjoys and spends good days there. We will take contacts in our future even if we stay far away, I wish. (217 words)