1, Have you ever done ikkinomi?Yes -10% No -90%
2a, Did you really want to do ikkinomi?Yes -30% No -70%
2b, Why did you do ikkinomi?a, festival atmosphere -40% b, seniors ordered them -50%
c, you wanted to -10% d, others-0%
3a, Do you like doing ikkinomi or drinking alcohol?Yes -70% No -30%
3b, Why not?a, dislike doing ikkinomi -0% b, dislike the taste of alcohol -33.3%
c, feel unwell -33,3% d, bad for the helth -33.3%
4, How do you feel when you see others who are forced to drink alcohol?a, felt pity -70% b, funny -10%
c, sad -10% d, others -10%
5, Have you ever made others do ikkinomi at an enkai?Yes -60% No -40%6, What will happen if you make someone do ikkinomi?a, fatal accidents -70% b, could be sued -20%
c, nothing -10% d, others -0%