

Peter Pan

This is a famous story. I think it’s interesting that Wendy gets Peter’s shadow and sews on it. I can’t imagine how she does that. They have many dreamy sentences. That’s why I like this story. I want to watch Peter Pan 2!


Hotel Rwanda

After watching Ghost, I watched another movie which was called Hotel Rwanda. I found a difference between Ghost and Hotel Rwanda. They had different intonation. Ghost was kind of easier to hear for me. I couldn't finish the movie, so I want to finish it. I didn't know the background of the story, so it was hard to understand. Many people were killed by a dispute. It was scary, and I was sad to know that this was a real story.


I watched a movie which was called GHOST. When I was a elementary school student, I watched it with my mom. I really like it when Sam tries to pick the coin up. Then Morry can know Sam is there. I also like Odamei(I don't know the spelling) who is one of the characters. She has done many bad things, but she is still good parson, and she will never do bad things again. I wish that Odamei can go to heaven.



I made a poster for my presentation. I used to draw pictures a lot, so I like making posters. However it was difficult to make a good poster. I can’t put whole sentence. I need to write just a point to make a poster which is easy to see. I don’t think my poster is easy to see because I wrote many words, so I will make it again.

My friend

I took a picture with my friend who is a shakaifukushi student. I’m going to use this picture for my presentation. Let me introduce my friend. Her name is Nozomi. She likes soccer, so she belongs to a soccer club. She is not a player. She is a manager. She was interested in taking care of older people. That’s why she became a shakaifukushi student. She wants to be a home help.

Jojo's story

At first, I was confused as I read this story because I didn’t know why there is no-one in Jojo’s village, and I still don’t know if Jojo is a girl or a boy. I was glad that the people who Jojo met were nice. It was only a good thing in this story. However when I read the last sentence, “Now I have a gun and I’m a man”, I was sad again.


Anita's big day

At first, I didn't think they would be able to get the movie studio. However they did it, and both of them got jobs. I liked the last part( "Can you dance?" he says. "Easy," Anita says. "Can you sing?" "Of course," Anita says. ) She is full of confidence, that why I like this part.

The bottle imp

Keawe who is the main character got a strange bottle. It's a round bottle with a long neck. It's white, but there are also many different colours. The bottle can make people happy. The bottle can give you anything you want. The bottle only can't make the lives longer. I really want the bottle. However you have to sell the bottle before you die. If you don't, you will burn in hell forever. Then I don't know if I still want the bottle.


Last weekend

Last Friday through Sunday, we made an expedition for a softball game. We went to Chiran in Kagoshima by bus. It took more than 2 hours to get there. Softball teams from many universities were there. The result of the games was runner-up. After that, we went to the Heiwakinennkann There were many things which were used in World War 2. I felt sad.

November 12th

This week, I need to ask a shakaifukushi student some questions. I will ask them these things. 1,Why did you become a shakaifukushi student? 2,What have you learned in shakaifukushi gakka? 3, Do you think KGU is useful for everyone?...etc…

Speakimg Class

November 5th, Ayami, Yoshie, and I met at Kenkyuto. We borrowed a wheelchair, and looked around the library. We also took some pictures. We had never used wheelchair, so it was good experience.


Speaking class (10/22)

We talked about next presentation. Next presentation is about a restaurant. We need to make our own restaurant. It'll be fun!


my avatar

September 3rd

I went to Hakata to see my friend. She works at a restaurant. We went to the restaurant to eat okonomiyaki. It was good!! Then we went to karaoke. I stayed the night at her apartment, and I went back home next morning. I wasn’t sure which train to take, but I could go back to Kumamoto..

Mr. Jelous

Cathy and Rob are dating. Cathy went to Tom’s. Rob doesn’t know who Tom is. Rob doesn’t want her to think that he is jealous, so he can’t ask her about Tom. One day, Rob sees a photo of Tom. Tom is three years old. Rob is not jealous now. However Tom has a brother who is eighteen years old. That’s why Cathy always goes to Tom’s.

August 8th

I made expedition. I belong to the softball club. I am a manager. We were assembled at 6 O’clock. We took bus and ferry to go to Aichi. We stayed 4 days in Aichi. I had a good time.

The Purse

Alex looses her purse. Mark finds her purse, and he tries to meet her with the purse. Mark likes Alex, but they can’t talk a lot because Alex is too busy. Mark tries to see Alex again. However Alex talks a lot. She can’t stop talking. Mark doesn’t like Alex anymore.


My Speaking Class

On July 11th, I talked about 1192 with my group member. We had many things to talk about because we couldn’t see each other because of the weather and our schedules. I have to draw a map, and think the sentences to explain some parts in English.

Audrey Hepburn

Audrey was born on May 4, 1929. She was in the movie which was called Roman Holliday. It was her first big movie, so she was really tensed. Most every people in this world say that she is beautiful, and I think so, too. However she didn’t like her face!! I was surprised to know that.

One Way Ticket

Mr. Harris is in the night trains. A young man and a young woman come in. They are brother and sister. The young woman is angry. Suddenly there is a knife in her hand, and she killed her brother. Mr. Harris runs and takes a guard man. The Guard knows about them. They were ghosts. It was eighty years ago. After she killed the man, she jumped off the train. They often come on the night train at the time, September. It was kind of a scary story.


The Elephant Man

This is a true, famous story. There is a man, and his name is Joseph Merrick. People call him elephant man because he is really ugly. His body is strange, too. People laugh at him. Dr Treves tries to help him. Many people who read about him on the newspaper visit elephant man. Now people are nice to him. Then he feels like he is a man. Just like you and me.


The Ransom of Red Chief

There are two guys who just have two dollars. They decide to kidnap to get money, and they take a boy. The boy is really naughty. The two kidnappers can’t take care of him anymore. The boy’s parents are not going to give money. They send a letter to the kidnappers, and it says,” Bring the boy to home, and pay two hundreds dollars. Then you can escape from the boy.” Paying money is better than taking care of the boy, so they pay money.



There is a girl who is named Cinderella. She is really nice, but her stepmother and stepsister are ugly and selfish. One day, a king's son decids to have a ball, and he asks everyone to come. However Cinderella has neither the time nor the clothes to go. During her stepmother and her stepsisters are at the ball, Cinderella does all the housework. Suddenly, she hears a sound that makes her look her up. Her godmother is there. The godmother gives Cinderella a golden carriage, a horse, and beautiful dresses. Then Cinderella can go to the ball. The prince really likes Cinderella. Cinderella has to go home at 12 O'clock. She runs out as fast as she can. Cinderella looses one of her glass shoes. It's all the prince finds when he rushes out after her.Prince tries to find out who Cinderella is with the glass shoe.


Nick is the main character in this story. He is sixteen. Nick wants to go to Australia to take part in an important surfing competition. However his parents don't say yes. They want him to go to college. Nick goes to surf everyday. One day, he wins the local competition. Nick's further sees it, and he understands that Nick really wants to go to Australia. Then Nick gets the chance to go to Australia finally.

Speaking Class

I had a meeting with my group member. We talked about a questionare again. We changed some of the questions and went to ask the questions to Gakuendai students.



When Jennifer is only four years old, she already sings and dances like a movie star. Jennifer starts to think that she wants to be a performer, but her parents don't want her to be a performer. Jennifer walks out of her house, and she moves into an apartment with her friends. She gets some interesting works in musik. she dances on music videos of famous singers, and she meets important people in the music business. It is three years after Jennifer's problems with her family, she has works, and she is success. Her family is happy for her now. However, Jennifer is not happy, yet. She wants to be a actress. As Jennifer dances on the music videos of famou people, she becoms famous. Then she gets a part in Hollywood movies. She marries Ojani Noa, but they divorce because he doesn't like seeing Jennifer with men in love stories. They are still good friends. She is interested in singing, too. Then she is a singer now.

Speaking Class

I met with my group at the Library.
We talked about the questionair.
We decided to ask Gakuendai students about cellphone.
1, How much do you spend money each mounth?
2,Can you live without cellphone?


Result of my questionaire for speaking class

1, Have you ever done ikkinomi?
Yes -10% No -90%
2a, Did you really want to do ikkinomi?
Yes -30% No -70%
2b, Why did you do ikkinomi?
a, festival atmosphere -40% b, seniors ordered them -50%
c, you wanted to -10% d, others-0%
3a, Do you like doing ikkinomi or drinking alcohol?
Yes -70% No -30%
3b, Why not?
a, dislike doing ikkinomi -0% b, dislike the taste of alcohol -33.3%
c, feel unwell -33,3% d, bad for the helth -33.3%
4, How do you feel when you see others who are forced to drink alcohol?
a, felt pity -70% b, funny -10%
c, sad -10% d, others -10%
5, Have you ever made others do ikkinomi at an enkai?
Yes -60% No -40%
6, What will happen if you make someone do ikkinomi?
a, fatal accidents -70% b, could be sued -20%
c, nothing -10% d, others -0%



A man is in the prison. He is innocent, but nobody believes him. the man trys to get out of the prison. He steels a bicycle to go far away. He also steels some clothes to change the clothes. Then he becomes a real thief. Finally, the police takes the man back to the prison, but the man trys to escape again and again.