


I went to Miyazaki!!!
When I woke up, I got a phone call, and it was my friend, Nana. She said, “Let’s go to Miyazaki to see MOAI, and eat Chicken Nanban!” I just said ok. However I got phone call from Nana again, and she said, “Why don’t we just quit going to Miyazaki?” She is always like that, so I said okay. Around 13:00, Nana called me and said, “I changed my mind! Let’s go to Miyazaki.” Can you believe that? I didn’t know what she was thinking! Then she came to pick me up and went to Miyazaki by car. It took about two hours and thirty minutes. However we couldn’t see MOAI because it closes 17:00, and it was almost 17:00. Then we went to Udo-Jinja. Udo-Jinja is a famous shrine in Miyazaki. They had a hole on big stone, and people threw small stones into it, and if they could threw the stones in the hole on big stone, their dreams come true, people say. Of course Nana and tried. The stones are one hundred yen for 5. However the hole on the big stone was kind of farer than we thought! I was going to quit, and I throw the last two stone. Then one of them went into the hole!!! I was so surprised and so happy! However I wished nothing because I thought I shouldn’t be greedy. Then we took some pictures and went to downtown to eat chicken nanban! It was sooooooo yummy! You really should try it sometime!! We had very fun time in Miyazaki. (265 words)

B.R.-3 Losing Lucky

A boy named Mouse is the main character in this story, and Lucky a bunny that Mouse is taking care of at his house. Mouse goes to talk to Lucky every after school, but one day, Lucky was dead when Mouse went to see Lucky. He showed Lucky to his mom, and he was kind of angry because Mouse fed Lucky every day and took care of Lucky very well. He can’t understand why Lucky died. Then Mouse’s mom tells him to put some stuffs that Lucky liked into a box with Lucky. Mouse and his younger sister put some toys and a picture of Lucky’s hutch. They cried a lot, and their baby brother cried because they are crying. At that night, Mouse dreamed, and Lucky was there. Lucky could talk in his dream, and Lucky seemed very happy!
I really understand how sad they are because I have my dog, too. I can’t believe that my dog will die someday. I really don’t want to think that. When I was a child, I had another dog, and when the dog died, I cried a lot. I don’t want to feel that again. (194 words)


B.R.-2 Jojo Makes the Team

The main character is Jojo, a girl who likes playing football. However, the boys in her class say that she can’t play football because she is a girl. Then Jojo kicks a football very hard, and everyone includes Jojo is surprised because the football goes very far away! Jojo has an amazing kick. Since that, the boys let Jojo play football together. One day, their teacher Mrs. Ambrose says that their school is going to take part in a football tournament, and they can have only two teams. Boys from top class are going to be in A team, and two kids who are chosen from their class can be in B team. One student that Mrs. Ambrose chose from the class was Ravi. Ravi can play football very well, so everyone agreed. Another one was Jojo. Boys didn’t like that Jojo was chosen, so they are mean to Jojo, again. Jojo is very sad because boys don’t play football with her. Ravi and some of his friends were playing football, and saw Jojo’s very sad face. They weren’t mean to Jojo, but fely so bad because no one stuck up for. They promised to Jojo to stick up for her next time.
I really like this story. I think that we all should have a deep feeling for the sufferings of others. (227 words)


Essay-2, My Treasure

My treasure is my dog, Shiro. She is a Chihuahua, and when I got her, she was almost 5 years old, kind of old, isn’t she? At first, I wasn’t really going to have any dog because I stayed at an apartment alone, so I wasn’t sure if I can take care of the dog. However, my friend from Junior High School was looking for people who can take care of dogs which were unsold at a shop. She takes about ten dogs and cats every time, and she can’t have them because she already has many dogs and cats. Then she took one of them to my room.

My friend already named the dog, Shiro. At the first day, Shiro seemed very sad after my friend left my room. She always waited for her in front of the door. When Shiro hears someone walking outside, she thinks my friend is coming to her then she waggles her tail, and she is sad again because my friend is not coming back any more. However few days later, she attached her to me!
I really loved sleeping together every night, and I liked that Shiro wakes me up every morning. She was very smart. I didn’t need to teach her anything. However, the most difficult thing was walking Shiro. She stayed at the shop for 4 or 5 years, so I think she had never walked outside. She didn’t like walking at all, and she seemed she was scared a lot. However as I walk her, she started to walk a lot. One day, we walked long way, maybe it was too much for her. She just sat there, and didn’t move for while. It was so funny, and I got one more funny story. In the one day morning, I made lunch box, and put it on the table during preparing to go to school. Then when I was ready to go, Shiro was eating my lunch! I couldn’t believe it, but it was funny, too.

Sometimes she makes me angry, and sometimes she makes me very happy. I really love staying together, and I can’t believe that she will be gone sometime. Any way, Shiro is the treasure for me. (371 words)

Essay-1, Advice to KOHAI

I took this class last year, and I think my English writing got better. I also can use computers better than before. You will be able to write English and use computers better than before, too.
What you need to do for this class are, posting to your blog, writing essays, and reading books. You post to your blog three times a week. You can write anything, but you must have at least 40 words each time. You also need to write 6 essays by the due date. You will get the topics for each essay. I told you that you need to post three times a week, but you also need to post book reviews besides the three posts. The library in KGU has many books which are written by easy English, so you read the books without English dictionaries, and write reviews for the books. You can’t write exactly same sentences from the books. When the term ends, you have to have 10000 words and 12 book reviews on your blog. You can get the credit if you do all of them by the due date. The due date is very important! If you can’t come to class, you should send e-mail to Mr. Tomei to ask what to do for next class.
I think writing essays and posting regularly are very good to improve your English writing. I didn’t write regularly, and I didn’t write them by the due date, so I didn’t get the credit, but if you do that, I’m sure that you will get the credit. Good luck! (264 words)

Typing-6, How to study English

I believe that the best way to study English is studying abroad. However I know it's not easy as people say because of many causes. I like studying English by watching movies because I love movies, and they speak real English. When I was in Junior High School, I learned English which was not really useful in foreign country. I always try to watch movies with English subtitles. Of course it is very difficult for me. When I can't understand what they say, I always stop, and try to read the subtitles. (92 word)

Typing-5, Food

I love eating! I like American Food, Chinese Food, Korean Food, Italian, French... any kind of food, but I specially like Japanese food. When I was very young, I hated vegetables and fish. However now, I love vegetables and fish more than meats. I also didn't like Sushi when I was a child, but now, I do like Sushi a lot. When I went to over the sea, I liked their food very much, but I always missed eating Japanese food. I also like cooking. I try to cook every meal everyday. (93 words)

Typing-4, Golden Week Plans

I got so many plans for golden week! First, I have softball practice as usual at Nishigoshi (but I'm not a player), and next, I have futsal practice at night time. These days, I started playing futsal, but I'm not so good, yet. Next, I'm going to go to the sea. I hope it will be sunny! Then, I'm going to Miyazaki, too. I'm so excited. However I want to go back to my hometown, too. I'm going to be very busy during Golden Week. (85 words)

Typing-3, my hobby

My hobby is watching movies. These days, I’ve watched three movies at theaters. The movies are The Lovely Bones, Alice in wonderland, and Konan. I really specially liked “The Lovely Bones”. Have you seen it? The main character is a 14 years old girl, and she is murdered by a man who lives in her neighborhood at beginning of the story. The story was very exciting, and I can’t guess what is going to happen. (75 words)