

Essay-2, My Treasure

My treasure is my dog, Shiro. She is a Chihuahua, and when I got her, she was almost 5 years old, kind of old, isn’t she? At first, I wasn’t really going to have any dog because I stayed at an apartment alone, so I wasn’t sure if I can take care of the dog. However, my friend from Junior High School was looking for people who can take care of dogs which were unsold at a shop. She takes about ten dogs and cats every time, and she can’t have them because she already has many dogs and cats. Then she took one of them to my room.

My friend already named the dog, Shiro. At the first day, Shiro seemed very sad after my friend left my room. She always waited for her in front of the door. When Shiro hears someone walking outside, she thinks my friend is coming to her then she waggles her tail, and she is sad again because my friend is not coming back any more. However few days later, she attached her to me!
I really loved sleeping together every night, and I liked that Shiro wakes me up every morning. She was very smart. I didn’t need to teach her anything. However, the most difficult thing was walking Shiro. She stayed at the shop for 4 or 5 years, so I think she had never walked outside. She didn’t like walking at all, and she seemed she was scared a lot. However as I walk her, she started to walk a lot. One day, we walked long way, maybe it was too much for her. She just sat there, and didn’t move for while. It was so funny, and I got one more funny story. In the one day morning, I made lunch box, and put it on the table during preparing to go to school. Then when I was ready to go, Shiro was eating my lunch! I couldn’t believe it, but it was funny, too.

Sometimes she makes me angry, and sometimes she makes me very happy. I really love staying together, and I can’t believe that she will be gone sometime. Any way, Shiro is the treasure for me. (371 words)

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