

Perfume First in the World

Do you like wearing perfume? What kind of smells do you like? I like perfume, but strong smells makes me feel bad. Sometimes I get headache, but I like catching a faint scent of perfume. The perfume which is in the picture is my friend’s one. She was not sure, but she said that this is the perfume which was made for first time in the world. She got the perfume from her boyfriend! It was so sweet, isn’t it?
I think wearing perfume is good because when I smell something good, I feel happy.(95/438 words)


On Sunday, we had Open Campus at K.G.U. I was helping them by handing around the drinks with my friend, Erika. At first, Erika and I took Shuttle bus from K.G.U. to Koutsu-center to pick some high school students who wants to go to K.G.U Open Campus up. Then we went back to K.G.U and handed around the drinks. It was kind of fun because I was with my friend. However, standing all day was kind of tired. We had Open Campus next Sunday, too, so Erika and I came to school and did that again. (96/343 words)

B.R.-1 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

Lorelei is the main character of this story. She has many gentlemen friends, and she always goes to expensive restaurants with them. Lorelei is interested in writing. She wants to be a famous writer, and one of her gentlemen friends, Mr. Eisman thinks that she will be a good writer, so he helps her to write. He gave her a diary and said, “Lorelei, write down everything in your head and it will make a book!” Then Lorelei started to keep a journal from March 16 to July 30. During the days, she trips around Europe. At the end of the story, Lorelei marries with a guy. The diary that she wrote on March 22 was interesting, so let me type it.

“March 22
My birthday was yesterday but I was very sad. Mr. Eisman brought me a very very small diamond. I told him, “It’s nice but I’m very tired. I have to stay in my room today but maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.” But Mr. Eisman came back at dinner time with a very very beautiful necklace with very large diamonds in it. I felt better then. So we had dinner at the Colony and then we went to the Tracadero. Mr. Eisman is very intelligent. He knows that the first diamond was too small.”

Can you believe these words? I was surprised that she doesn’t care taking these expensive presents.
I want to watch the DVD of this story because it easier to understand. (247 words)