

B.R.-5 David Beckham

Beckham is a very famous football player in England. There are so many David Beckham’s fans all around the world. However, he didn’t have only good days but the bad days for him.
One of his bad days was the day in 19998. He was twenty three years old, and he was in a game against Argentina. An Argentinean player made David fall on purpose, then David was very angry. He kicked the Argentinean player, so the referee came to him with a red card in his hand. Then the newspaper often said: ‘England can’t win the world cup now, because David Beckham is an angry little boy.’ He was young at that time.
Long time ago, I was watching a TV, and I think it said that David Beckham scored an own goal, and so many England fan got mad. That was one of his bad days, too. However this book didn’t say anything about this accident, but I always remember this story. This book said how Victoria and David got closer. They knew each other on TV at first, and they liked their looks each other. One day Victoria went to watch the football game that David was playing, and they met and talked after the game. After that, they talked on the phone very often and got closer then they married. Victoria is as famous as David, I think. However I didn’t know how they got to know each other. This book told me many things that I didn’t know.
I also felt that I should try harder to make my dreams come true. (268 words)


Typing 13, Vacation Plans

This Summer, I got so many things to do! First, we have All Japan University Softball Competition. It will be the last Competition for us because we are already Senior! I will miss them a lot. Next, I will go to Futsal practice at least once a week. We have practice at nine to eleven O'clock at night time. It's too late, isn't it? Next, I want to try Beach Soccer. It seems very interesting, so I will go to the beach very often. I will get suntan more than last summer. I don't like it, but I can't wait for summer! (107 words)

Typing 12, About Blogging

I think blogging is very good for me because it makes me keep writing my journal by blogging, and I will remember what I did recently. I also like looking at my friends’ blog, and I can see what they are doing. At first I didn't like writing too much about my daily life because I didn't want people who I don't know to look at my blog, and I didn't want them to know. However I don't care any more and I like to read the comments now. I think blogging made me to know how to use computers, and it’s good thing for me. (112 words)

Typing 11, About my Keitai

I think KEITAI is very useful! Don't you think so? I can't think my life without KEITAI because if I didn't have KEITAI, I would have so many problems. For example, I always must be there on time if I don't have it because I can't tell them that I will be late if they already left their home. However sometimes I feel like I don't want to have KEITAI because sometimes I don't want to reply to any e-mails. I also loose or brake my KEITAIs so often! One time, I got three KEITAIs for one year! (98 words)

Typing 10, Using the Computer

I wasn't used to use computers so often when I was a High School Student, but now I use computers almost everyday because I have to type some papers for my University class. At first, I didn't like typing because I wasn't really good at typing, and I couldn't use computers well. However now I think using computers for the assignments makes it easier, so I like using computers now. I like using internet, too. I can get so many informations and watch movies on youtube. I really like it. (94 words)