

My friend working

She is Sayako, one of my really really really close friends. She is working at an Italian restaurant at Kaminoura Street in Downtown. I knew that, but I didn’t know exactly where it is. I was shopping and walking to go back to my home, and I just saw Sayako working, so I called, Sayako!” She was surprised, too, and asked me, “Wat are you doing here? Why don’t you come inside and eat meal?” I wasn’t going to eat out the day because I was alone, but I said okay. I went inside and sat a table. I ordered pasta which was really nice. I love pasta. I waited for Sayako finishes working, and while that, we talked when Sayako has nothing to do, too. It wasn’t really busy the day because it was a weekday. At nine thirty, she finished working and sat my table then we ate dessert. I love sweets. When I was going to pay for my foods, Sayako said that she already paid for me because she said that I was the first friend who came to eat. I was so happy to hear that! I liked the restaurant, so I will go to eat there often. (203 words)

Welcome Back and Good Luck, My Friends

I took this Purikura about one week ago. They are my friends who go to KGU, and they are in the English Department, too. Their names are Miyo, Sayuri, Airi, Ayaka, and Erika. Miyo and Airi just came back from America. They went to America as the exchange students for about 1 year. I really like listening to their memories in America. When we talk about it, I remember my memories in Iowa, America, too. I want to go back there! I miss America. Anyway, we had welcome back party for Airi and Miyo the day that we took the Purikura. Also it was the party for Erika, too. She is going to Hokkaido for her induction. She said that she will come back to Kumamoto one time before we graduate. I can’t believe it. Only one time? We talked each other a lot, laughed a lot, and really enjoyed the party together. She already left Kumamoto about few days ago. I hate saying good-bye to my friends. I wasn’t ready to say good-bye to her, and I cried at the parting. I want her to take me to Hokkaido, too, haha. I hope that she enjoys and spends good days there. We will take contacts in our future even if we stay far away, I wish. (217 words)


20 years later, I hope that I’ve already married with someone really nice, and I also wish that I have two or three children. I will be living in Kumamoto, Okinawa, Tokyo, or somewhere in foreign countries.

Twenty years in my future, I’m already 42 years old. I can’t believe it! The reasons why I want to live in Okinawa are, I really love the warm weather, the culture, the very beautiful ocean, and I also like that time goes very slow. However, I want to live in Tokyo, too. I think that Okinawa and Tokyo are really opposites because people seem very busy most of the time in Tokyo, and Okinawa has very rich nature, but Tokyo doesn’t have them as much as Okinawa. However I still want to live in Tokyo sometime in my future because we can get and do anything we want in Tokyo.
I also want to live in foreign countries, but I don’t know where or how long. Even if I couldn’t live in foreign countries, I want let my children to go to somewhere out of Japan because I believe that it will be really great experience for the children, don’t you think so?

Next, I want my children to play sports because I want to go to watch my children playing sports. If my children are girls, I want them to play soccer, and if my children are boys, I want them to play kendo because I liked that my older brother playing kendo. Anyway, I will let my children to play some sports, and I will also let them take lessons, like piano, calligraphy, or English conversations.

I hope that I’m spending really happy days with my husband and my cute children. I want to be really nice mother for my children. Oh I also wish that my friends and I’m keeping in touch in 20 years in the future, too. (320words)


Hello, my name is Masumi Kanamitsu, 21 year old. I’m from Yamaga in Kumamoto, Japan and I live in Kumamoto city now. My hometown, Yamaga is about one hour away from Kumamoto by car. I go to K.G.U., so I stay at an apartment alone near the University.

I want to tell you about my hometown. My hometown, Yamaga is famous for hot springs. Have you ever soaked in any hot springs? It’s really good, and I think the hot springs will ease your tiredness. However I don’t go to hot springs so often because I don’t like that we can’t wear anything in the hot water!

Next, I want to tell you about my family. I have 7 people in my family. There are my grandmother, my grandfather, my mom, my dad, my older sister, my older brother, and me. I’m the youngest of three children in my family. We have some birds and a dog. The dog’s name is Shiro, and she is Chihuahua. Shiro means white in Japanese. She is almost eight years old and really cute! I’ll show you her photos someday. I like walking my dog around my house because they have a rich natural environment. I really love living in countryside, but I sometimes yearn for the city life. How about you? Which side do you like to live?
I also like cooking and gardening. I used to do gardening with my mom at our home. We like going to the florist’s. I specially like sunflowers, so I’m growing some sunflowers at my apartment, too. The sunflower seeds are coming up now. My mom and I used to cook together every weekend, too, but now I stay at the apartment, so I cook alone every day. I don’t really like eating alone, so sometimes I call my friends to cook and eat together. I always cook Japanese food because I don’t know how to cook other foods well, so could you tell me how to cook your country dishes? I would like to cook Japanese food for you, too.

One more thing that I like to do is futsal. Have you ever played it? It’s just like soccer, but the court is smaller, and just 5 people are in one team. Besides, the ball is smaller than the soccer ball. I run a lot, so I sweat from every pore! I like sweating, so I go to a gym that our university has, sometimes. I’m not really good at playing futsal, yet, but I love going to the practice with my friends. Do you like running? I hope that we can play futsal together someday if you like soccer.
I also belong to softball team, but I don’t play softball. I am just a secretary. I think I like watching my friends playing softball more than I play it. Anyway, I love being outside when it’s sunny. I always want to go to the beach on a nice day, don’t you feel so? This summer, I want to try playing beach soccer. Doesn’t it sound fun? However I really don’t want to get suntan! I easily get suntan every year!

Anyway, I’m really looking forward to stay with you, and I want to know about you, your family, your hometown, what you like to do, and more! Please let me know someday. Thanks a lot, and see you soon! (565 words)


My hometown is Kikuka in Yamaga, and it is very countryside! It takes about one hour to get there by car from downtown, and you need to take cars or busses. They don’t have train to go to Yamaga. We have no convenience store in our town, so every stores are closed mid night. We have no place to hang out, too, like Karaoke or Bowling. However we have many mountains and rivers.

We have a famous valley called, Yatani Keikoku. You can enjoy swimming and fishing there. They still have rich nature. The water is very cold and clear, and you can camp in summer. You will see many families with little children there.
Yamaga is famous for hot springs. When I say that I’m from Yamaga, almost everyone says, “Oh, the hot springs!” You should come to the hot springs in Yamaga, sometime. Yamaga is also famous for a summer festival, called Yamaga-toro. They have 1000nin-odori, and I think that why the festival is so famous. 1000nin-odori means one thousand people-dance. One thousand of women put something like garden lantern and walk and dance, but it’s not really hard dance. It’s kind of Japanese folk dance. Can you imagine it? It looks very beautiful.

Sometimes I feel like I want to live in a very big city like Tokyo or Fukuoka because they have so many nice shopping stores, restaurants, and more. I’m really jealous! However, when I go back to my hometown and walk around my house, I really love being there because the view is so amazing. I hope that you can come and see my hometown sometime. (272 words)