

Bronze Medals!

Yesterday,I went to Miyagi-ken on August. I went there for a softball meeting. Many university boys’ softball teams in Japan come for this meeting. We stayed there about one week. In the morning, we assembled at school, and we took a school bus to go to the kumamoto airport. Then we got on an airplane to go to the Haneda airport. I hadn’t been haneda airport before, so it was my first time. Next, we took a bus from Tokyo to Miyagi. It took about four hours to get there. It was so long. Everyone was very tired. In the evening, we got there. It was dark outside. We stayed a nice hotel. It had two hot springs. I don’t like hot springs that much, but these were good. Next morning, we woke up at about 5:30 in the morning, and went to practice. And we also had a opening ceremony. I took a lot of pictures with another secretary from upstairs. Then, we went back to the hotel. The hotel didn’t have washing machine, so we had to go to coin laundry to do the wash. We took a taxi, did the wash, and took a taxi again to go back to the hotel. It cost about 10000 yen to do that. First, we gather everyone’s laundry. They have a lot of laundries. It is so heavy every time. Then my friend (another secretary) and I go to the coin laundry, and put them into the washing machines. After that, we remove the laundries out of the washing machine to the dryer. Next, we fold them and separate the laundries into each room. Then we go back to the hotel. Next day we had a game, and we won. We watched other team’s game, and went back to the hotel. I did the laundries with my friend again, and we ate supper. Two other teams stayed same hotel. So we ate supper together. We got close with other team’s secretaries. The next day, we woke up early in the morning again, and went to the meeting place, but we didn’t have any game the day because of the bad weather. The next day, we had a game, and the next day, we had two games. The last game was K.G.U versus K.U. We lost, but it was very nice game, and we got bronze medals. We were so glad. However we were little bit sad because seniors retire from our softball team. Anyway, it was very nice game. (419/805 words)