

Lucky Break

The main character’s name is Tom. He plays football game. Somebody pushed him, and he falls down. He broke his leg. Tom was reading newspaper at his house. It said, “Lourel Rowe’s new movie opens this evening”. Lourel Rowe is his favorite movie star. He wants her autograph. That evening, he goes to the movie theater by a taxi. There are many fans in the street. They were very excited. Then a long car came, and there is Lourel Rowe. Reporters take her picture. People push Tom. He shouts, but people don’t listen too him. When Tom falls, his crutch hits Lourel Rowe’s foot. She falls, too. The reporters keep taking photos. People lagh at her. Lurel Rowe is very angry because it’s the first night of her new movie. Tom says sorry, but she is still angry. She takes Tom’s crutch, and she hits him with it. The next morning, there was an article about the happening on the newspaper. When Lourel Rowe hit Tom with the crutch the reporter took a picture. The picture was on the newspaper with the article. Now Tom and his crutch are famous. Tom goes to the football game on Saturday. People know him and his crutch. After the game, football players sell the footballs, football shirts, and hats to make money for children’s hospital. Tom has a good idea. He sells his crutch. Lourel Rowe fan bought it. The fan pays five hundred dollars. Lourel Rowe hit Tom with the crutch, but people still like her. I’m very surprised about that.


My treasure

My treasure is a dog. The dog’s name is Shiro. Shiro is a girl. She is about 5 years old. When I started to stay at an apartment, my friend gave Shiro to me. She was one of unsold dogs. Then my friend was looking for someone who can have the dogs. The friend already had three dogs and some cats. I thought a lot about the dog’s name. At first, I named her Vivi. I said, “Vivi!”, but she doesn’t answer. When my friend calls the dog, she says, “Shiro!” and the dog answers. So I decided to call her Shiro. After my friend went back to her home, Shiro looked for her. I felt sorry for Shiro. I slept with her every night, so Shiro attached herself to me. One day, I went to school, but I worried if Shiro felt lonely. The day, I had 2nd period and 3rd period. However I went back to my apartment to see what Shiro was doing during lunch time. When I got home, Shiro was sleeping. She opened her eyes, and she looked at me, but she kept sleeping. She sleeps a lot. I think she sleeps too much. She didn’t like walking. At first, it was really hard to take Shiro for walk. She didn’t move! She was scared to go outside. However I took her for walk. Now, she likes walking. However, when she get tired, she stops walking. It’s cute. She is always cute, but when she pooped on my bed, I got mad at her.
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The Troy Stone

The Jackson family is in Turkey. The members of the family are Mark, his sister, and their parents. Mark is thirteen years old. His sister is twelve years old, and her name is Fay. They like visiting Turkey because it’s hot and the food is good. They get on a bus to go to the city of Troy. It is 9 o’clock in the morning. There are many people from Britain, America, France, Italy, and Holland. People have lunch at Troy, and start looking the old city.

Book review 1-2: SHOOTING STARS

Lisa and Alice are on holiday. They are staying at a hotel in Greece. When Lisa and Alice are in museum, they hear two other tourists talking about Matt Lepardi and Claudia Carman who are the movie stars. The tourists say that the two movie stars are visiting same island and making a film. In the morning, Lisa is sitting on the balcony at the hotel. There is another hotel next to her hotel. The hotel’s name is Hotel Astra. Claudia Carmen and Matt Lepardi are on the balcony of Hotel Astra. They seem like they are angry, but Lisa can’t hear what they are saying. Claudia takes her gun, and she shoots Matt. Then Claudia sees at Lisa. Lisa thinks that Claudia is going to kill Lisa because Lisa saw everything. However Matt was not dead. They were just practicing their scenes.