

Essay 1

Hi. My name is Masumi K. My friends call me Masumi. I'm nineteen years old. I am from Kikuka in Kumamoto. I go to KGU now. Kumamoto is located in south side, so it's kind of hot and soggy in summer. There are many mountains and rivers in my hometown.
I have seven people in my family. There are my grandma, my grandpa, my mom, my dad, my sister, my brother, and me. My sister is twenty-four years old. She is shorter than me, and she has longer hair than I do, but people say that my sister and I look like same. My brother is 21 years old. We used to fight a lot, but now, they are nice to me. We have some birds and a dog outside of the house, and we have another dog inside of the house.
What I like to do is eating. I'm not picky. I hadn't cooked before, but since I left my home, I need to cook everyday. I noticed that I like cooking. I also like sleeping. The best thing I like to do is shopping. When I have time, I like going to downtown, and see some clothes, shoes, and accessories.
I don't like waking up early. When I wake up early, I feel good, but usually I can't. I also don't like having part time jobs. I've worked at 3 restaurants, and a laundry. I should have a part time job, but I'm too busy to do it now. I don't like roller coasters, too. It's very scary. I can't even scream!
I don’t know what I want to be in the future, but I want to study English, now. I also want to learn about many counties’ cultures. I’m really interested about it. Anyway, thank you for being my host family. I can’t wait to see you. Thanks a lot.


The main character's name is Faye. She is a student. She wakes up. It's Monday morning. School starts at nine o'clock, but it's already eight twenty. Her mom says to eat to Faye, but she doesn't have time to eat. Her mom asks Faye where she is going. Faye says that she is going to go to school. Mom tries to tell Faye something, but Faye doesn't listen to her mom. Faye takes bike to go to train station. A dog is coming to her. When Faye trys to dodge the dog, she falls down. Her bicycle doesn't work. It's raining. Somehow, she could get station on time, but train isn’t moving. A fallen tree is in the way of the train. She runs to get a bus. However bus leaves the bus stop before Faye get on the bus. She is very wet, and finally, she runs to school. She looks at her watch. It’s 8:59. Faye thinks, “good.” However, a paper is on the school gate. It says, “no school today.”

In sasebo, NAGASAKI

I went to Sasebo with my friends. Before that day, my friends and I were just chatting. I was looking at some pictures in my friend’s cell phone. There was a picture my friend eating a big hamburger. I asked, “What is that? Why is it so big?” my friend said that it is a Sasebo burger. Sasebo burger is famous. I think many people know it. I wanted to go to Sasebo to see real Sasebo burger. We had no maps, but we decided to go to Sasebo. We drove about five hours. I was kind of tired. However I was so glad when I got there. We went to see, but it was cold. Next we went to Sasebo Zoo. I like elephants, giraffes, and camels. I took a lot of pictures. Then we went to eat Sasebo burger. It was not so big as I thought, but it tasted good. We had a lot of fun!

Three Billy Goats

Three goats are in this story. The goats are a little goat, big goat, and a bigger goat. The little goat is white. The big goat is red. The bigger one is black. They are very hungry. They see green grass over the see. They like eating grass. They see a bridge, but there is a bad troll. He doesn’t people use the bridge because he thinks the bridge is his. However the three goats are hungry, and they really want the green grass. The little green goat walks on the bridge. Troll comes, and he tries to eat the goat. The goat says that waiting for next bigger one is better. Troll thinks so, too. Then the troll says OK. The little goat could go over the bridge. Next, the red big goat goes over the bridge, and he says same thing as the little goat said. Troll said OK again. Then the biggest black goat goes on the bridge. Troll tries to eat the big goat, so the big goat runs at the troll, and the goat hits him. Then they could go over the bridge, and they could eat the green grass. I think I’ve heard about this story when I was a child.

My best day

My 17th birthday was one of my favorite days. I was in America, when I was being 17 years old. When I was a 11th grader student, I went to study abroad as an exchange student. I stayed with a host family. There were mom, dad, Stephanie, Julia, Nicole. Stephanie was same age as me. Julia and Nicole were 2 years younger than me. They were twins. They looked like exactly same, but Julia had short hair, and Nicole had long hair. That’s why I knew which was which. I always woke up late, so Julia always came to my room and woke me up even when I didn’t need to wake up early. They always get on my bed without putting their shoes off. At first, I didn’t like it, but now, I kind of got accustomed. They liked having party. They always asked me, “What kind of party do you want to have on your birthday?” I haven’t had my birthday party, so I was looking forward to my birthday party. On October 8th, it was my birthday. Stephanie took me to a house to baby sit some children. She liked children a lot, so she always took me to baby-sit. I liked that, too. After that, we got home. There were some friends, and rooms were decollated. They had a birthday cake that my friends made, and my name was written on it in Japanese. I was so surprised. They sung birthday song for me. I was so happy. I think it was one of my favorite days.