

My best day

My 17th birthday was one of my favorite days. I was in America, when I was being 17 years old. When I was a 11th grader student, I went to study abroad as an exchange student. I stayed with a host family. There were mom, dad, Stephanie, Julia, Nicole. Stephanie was same age as me. Julia and Nicole were 2 years younger than me. They were twins. They looked like exactly same, but Julia had short hair, and Nicole had long hair. That’s why I knew which was which. I always woke up late, so Julia always came to my room and woke me up even when I didn’t need to wake up early. They always get on my bed without putting their shoes off. At first, I didn’t like it, but now, I kind of got accustomed. They liked having party. They always asked me, “What kind of party do you want to have on your birthday?” I haven’t had my birthday party, so I was looking forward to my birthday party. On October 8th, it was my birthday. Stephanie took me to a house to baby sit some children. She liked children a lot, so she always took me to baby-sit. I liked that, too. After that, we got home. There were some friends, and rooms were decollated. They had a birthday cake that my friends made, and my name was written on it in Japanese. I was so surprised. They sung birthday song for me. I was so happy. I think it was one of my favorite days.

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