

B.R.-11 Lost Love

The main character is a man who lives in a city. It is so hot in the city in summer. He wanted to go to the country side. He drives his little red car into the country with a map. It was really nice to drive in the trees, but suddenly his car stopped. It didn’t have any petrol, so he looked at a map to get some petrol. However there were no countries. Then he met a pretty woman, named Mary, and he asked her where he can get petrol.The girl didn’t understand what petrol is, but she took him to her village. However the village was not on his map. The houses and the close that Mary’s mom and dad wear were strange. He asked Mary’s dad where he can get some petrol, but he didn’t know what petrol is, either. They said they use horses to go somewhere. There were many strange things, but he was happy to stay with Mary. However Mary tells him to leave the village, and she said she can’t tell why he has to go. Of course he didn’t want to go. He promised her to come back after getting some petrol. Mary seemed so sad, too. He walked and walked to another town, and he saw the lights of the town and got some petrol. He asked a man about the village. The man said that there was a village long time ago, but there wasn’t the village any more. He said he has heard that for once every ten years it lives again. On that one day, you can find the village, but you must leave there before sunrise or you can never leave. He went to see the village again, but there wasn’t the village. He decided to come back to the village after ten years, and he will never leave there, and stay with her forever because he loves her so much. This story made me sad. (330/3583 words)


Movie! Just My Luck

Ashley and Jake are the main characters in this movie. Lindsay Lohan does Ashley. I like her voice and clothes. That why I watched this movie. Ashley is a lucky girl. When she goes out, it stops raining even if it was raining so hard. She has been a Prom Queen of another school. The lot fell to Ashley. She is always lucky. About Jake, he is always unlucky. When he tries to do something, it always goes bad. Ashley and Jake don’t know each other, but one day, they kiss at a party. When they kissed, their luck switched. Every thing that Ashley does goes bad, and Jake became a very lucky man. Ashley tries to get back her luck from Jake. She looked for Jake, but it was so hard because she didn’t know his name, or where he lives. However Finally Ashley finds Jake, and they fall in love. Ashley got her luck buck one time, but she gives it to Jake again and she left him because Ashley knew that Jake needed the luck more than she does. Jake loves Ashley, too, so he runs after her, and they gave the luck to a little girl. Then they are both happy. (205/3253 words)

B.R.-10 Soapy's winter home

Soapy lives in New York. He likes nature, but he doesn't like buildings. He sleeps on the streets. Soapy is happy with that in summer, but he can't sleep in winter because it's too cold. Nick has a plan every winter. It's kind of a bad thing. He goes to a very smart restaurant, and eats some expensive foods. After that, Soapy says," I'm sorry, but I don't have any money." Then police comes and puts Soapy in jail for three months. No cold streets for winter. The next year, Soapy thinks about another plan to go to jail. Soapy steels a pen of a man and walks slowly. The man runs into the street and says," stop! You have my pen!" Soapy says, "your pen? Then call a policeman." However the man doesn't call policeman because he has a problem with a policeman, too." Soapy can't go to jail. He thinks for new plan again and again. (158/3048 words)

B.R.-9 Audrey Hepburn

Audrey liked dancing, and she went to ballet school, but her teacher told her that she can’t be a famous dancer because she is too tall. Audrey was so sad, but it changed her life. Audrey’s name is Audrey Kathleen Van Heemstra Hepburn-Rustin. It’s too long, isn’t it? She was born in Brussels. Audrey liked reading books, Animals, birds, and music. She wanted to be a dancer then she was unhappy because dancers are thin, and they have pretty faces, but Audrey thought that she was too fat, and she didn’t like her face. Can you believe that? She couldn’t be famous dancer, but she became a very famous actress. She made about thirty movies. I know some of them. I’ve heard the names of her movies, Roman Holliday, Sabrina, and My fair lady. I also watched “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” I like the clothes she wears. She is so cute. (150/2890 words)


“Madonna, Tom Cruise, Holly Hunter, Bette Midler, Bryan Ferry, Elizabeth Taylor. All of these people, and many famous people in countries, wear Gucci”
I think everyone knows the name, GUCCI. GUCCI is a very famous brand in fashion. Guccio Gucci is the designer of Gucci. He was born in 1881 in Italy. Then he studied three languages. They were English, French, and German. He was so smart, isn’t he? He was working at a famous hotel in London, and he saw many rich people wearing many Jewelries and cloths. Then he started to think that he want a store. He went back to Italy, and got a store. He had some problems at first, but he designed and sold. Isn’t he awesome? Now Gucci is famous in every where. (129/2740 words)


B.R.-6 Sally's phone

Sally is the main character in the story. One day in the morning, she wakes up by her phone ringing. She answers the phone, and it was her boyfriend, Andrew. That night, they are going to meet Andrew’s new boss, so Andrew called her if she remembers. He says Sally to wear her blue skirt that he likes, and he hangs up the phone. Now Sally is in trouble because she hasn’t washed the skirt yet, so it’s dirty. Sally is having breakfast with her mom and older brother, and tells that she is going out with Andrew, but her brother doesn’t like Andrew. After having breakfast, Sally gets on a train, and calls Andrew. He says that they are going to see each other at 6 O’clock, and Sally tries to tell him that he can’t wear the blue skirt, but he doesn’t hear. He says that he doesn’t have time, and hang off the phone again. I don’t think I like Andrew because he seems he is kind of selfish. Sally gets off the train, and she is at work now. She tells her friend Claire about that night and the blue skirt. They decided to get a skirt to wear that night. They get a beautiful, red skirt. Her friend Claire goes back to her work, but Sally stays there and having a cup of coffee. A man named Paul is sitting next her. When he stands up, Sally’s bag fells on the floor. Paul says sorry, and picks up the bag. Sally says thank you with a smile. Paul thinks, “What’s a nice smile.” Paul leaves there, and Sally goes back to her work, too. When Paul is in his office, a phone is ringing. However it’s not his phone. It is Sally’s. They switched their phone without noticing when they picked up their phone at the café. Paul calls his phone to get back his phone, and give sally’s phone to her. They meet at a bar. They talk, and they like each other. I’m happy with that because I think Paul is nicer than Andrew. (351/2458 words)



This is a picture of a woman wearing KIMONO. Kimono is a traditional wear. They have many pattern and color. Some foreigners think that Japanese girls still wear kimono everyday. When an American girl asked me about it, I was so surprised. When we go to summer festivals, some girls wear yukata. Yukata is a kind of kimono for summer. It’s to hot to wear kimono in summer, so we wear yukata. Girls like wearing yukata. I have two yukatas at my home. I can’t wait to wear them.(89/2107)


The main character is Jake, a boy who has Mum, Dad, and a younger sister. They are gong to get a new car. Jake wants a purple car, and his sister, Maddy wants a pink car. His Dad wants a black car, but Mom says that black car is too dark, so people may not notice them coming. She says that she wants a yellow car. They went to see and get a car that they all like. Mum, Dad, and Maddy liked first car, but Jake didn’t because He thought it didn’t have much space. They tried next car. Mom liked the car, but Jake didn’t because the seats were little bit hard. They tried another car, and Mom, Dad, and Jake liked the car. However Maddy didn’t like the horn. She says the horn sounds terrible. They couldn’t get new car, so they kept riding the old car. It got older and older. Maddy and Jake can’t stand it. Dad got a new car. It is a black car with pink, yellow, and purple line. Of course every one liked it! (183/2018)