


“Madonna, Tom Cruise, Holly Hunter, Bette Midler, Bryan Ferry, Elizabeth Taylor. All of these people, and many famous people in countries, wear Gucci”
I think everyone knows the name, GUCCI. GUCCI is a very famous brand in fashion. Guccio Gucci is the designer of Gucci. He was born in 1881 in Italy. Then he studied three languages. They were English, French, and German. He was so smart, isn’t he? He was working at a famous hotel in London, and he saw many rich people wearing many Jewelries and cloths. Then he started to think that he want a store. He went back to Italy, and got a store. He had some problems at first, but he designed and sold. Isn’t he awesome? Now Gucci is famous in every where. (129/2740 words)

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