

B.R.-9 Audrey Hepburn

Audrey liked dancing, and she went to ballet school, but her teacher told her that she can’t be a famous dancer because she is too tall. Audrey was so sad, but it changed her life. Audrey’s name is Audrey Kathleen Van Heemstra Hepburn-Rustin. It’s too long, isn’t it? She was born in Brussels. Audrey liked reading books, Animals, birds, and music. She wanted to be a dancer then she was unhappy because dancers are thin, and they have pretty faces, but Audrey thought that she was too fat, and she didn’t like her face. Can you believe that? She couldn’t be famous dancer, but she became a very famous actress. She made about thirty movies. I know some of them. I’ve heard the names of her movies, Roman Holliday, Sabrina, and My fair lady. I also watched “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” I like the clothes she wears. She is so cute. (150/2890 words)

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