

Typing 9, My favorite movie

I love watching movies. I can't chose just one movie, so I will introduce you two movies that called, "Before Sunrise" and "Before Sunset". They are love stories, and "Before sunset" is the first one. The beginning of the story, a woman and a man are in a train. Of course they don't know each other, but they are interested in each other, and they get of the train together. They have to leave their next day morning. They walk around and talk about each other until the sun rises. The second movie, “Before Sunset” is more interesting, I think. (100 words)


B.R.-4 The Barcelona Game

The main characters are Holly Hooper, twelve years old, and her older brothers Kev and Trev. Holly is usually quiet and loves reading books, and her brothers love playing out side, specially, football. At first, Kev and Trev were going to watch the Barcelona games in Spain with their dad, but their dad got a very bad cold, so he couldn’t go with them! Then their mom says they can cake Holly instead of their dad. However they didn’t want to take Holly because they didn’t want to take care of her.

The next day, Kev, Trev, and Holly left their home to Barcelona. When they are at Barcelona airport, they notice that Holly’s bag has a big hall, and her books are falling on the floor. Kev and Trev looked at each other, and let Holly to get a new cheap bag there. Then they took taxi to get their hotel.
They have time before the game, and Holly wants to go to some famous places like cathedral or the famous street, Las Ramblas, or the Olympic Stadium, but Kev and Trev are already planning to go to a funfair. Kev and Trev enjoy playing there, but Holly hates them. Kev and Trev look at each other again, and tell Holly to go to the café and wait for them until seven O’clock.

Holly is drinking coffee and reading a book while waiting for them at the café. Then a man sat a table next to Holly, and he had same bag as Holly got at the airport. He drank a cup of coffee, left there. After a while, Holly opens her bag to get another book, and there are some stuffs which don’t belong to Holly. She notices that the bag isn’t hers, and the man took Holly’s bag! She must find the man because the tickets for the football game are in her bag!

Holly stands on the street and looks around, but she can’t find the man. Then a man on a motorbike sees Holly, and asks what’s wrong. Holly explains about the whole thing, and suddenly she finds the man with her bag. She shouts to him, but he can’t hear her, so the man on the motorbike takes Holly to follow the man with Holly’s bag by his motorbike. When they are following him, they pass many famous places and streets which Holly wanted to go. Then finally they could get Holly’s bag back. It was six forty, and Holly has to be at the café at seven O’clock, so the man takes Holly back to the café by his motorbike.

Now Holly is very happy because she got her bag and the tickets for the soccer game back, and she also could visit many famous places she really wanted to go!

I was glad that Holly got her bag back because if she couldn’t, her brothers would be mad at her a lot! However, I think it was very dangerous thing that Holly rode the man’s motorbike because she doesn’t even know him! (522 words)

Rabley Stephen. 2000.The Barcelona Game: Penguin Longman publishing



I've been to Korea, America, Canada, and New Zeeland. When I was a High School Student, I went to Korea for two weeks, and I went to America for 10 months as an exchange student. When I was in America, my host family took me to travel to Canada. It was so wonderful. I went to New Zeeland last spring vacation because my friend from High School is in New Zeeland now. I really loved staying there. Now I'm interested in India or Egypt! I really want to go there. (90 words)