


I like to go to downtown because many exciting things are there. When I have time, I always go there even if I didn’t have any things to buy. When I don’t have money, I always go window shopping, and many cute stuff make me want to buy them.
Today, I’m going to go to downtown to eat out with my friend. I usually don’t eat out so often, but sometimes I feel I want to eat really yummy foods. I haven’t decided what to eat, yet, but I’m so looking forward it. I always go to downtown by my bicycle, but I don’t think I’m doing it today because it’s freezing out there! The T.V. said that it is going to be cold again this weekend. I hate cold weather!
Tomorrow I have a test, so I will be home soon, and I will be studying so hard.
I have one more thing to do. It is making a scrapbook! My best friend from High School is going to go to New Zealand to study abroad in end of this month. Then I’m making a scrapbook for her, so I got a lot of her pictures. I will miss her a lot. I hope that she really enjoys there and comes back to Japan soon. However it will be nice experience for her, and I am excited to hear her stories there. (233 words)


Some Interesting Things

I got a book from one of my friend, and the book was about Buddha. It was interesting to read, but some parts of them were difficult to understand. I always read the book before sleeping in my bed, but I always fell asleep soon. These days, I’m so sleepy. I bit I can sleep about two days if I have no school. I sleep too much!
I have read the bible, and it was some times difficult, too. However learning about Christian was very interesting to me. I used to think people go to heaven if they did good thing, and people who had done very bad thing go to hell, but my Christian friend told me that she doesn’t think so because everyone has done some bad thing. It can be small thing or really bad thing, and nobody can judge it. I really agreed with her.
 Today I watched “Hamlet” and “Macbeth”. They are Shake Spear’s works. I watch them to write papers for one of my class. I still need to watch “Twelfth Night”. They are kind of difficult to watch because they speak old English. However it is good to know about Shake Spear’s works. (200 words)



It’s getting warm these days, isn’t it? After my part-time job, I go home by bicycle, so I hate cold weather. However it’s warm from last weekend. Maybe spring is coming soon! However it’s still January, so it will be getting cold again. I don’t like that.
Which do you like, winter or summer? I hate getting suntan, but I’m sure that I like summer better than winter because I don’t want to go out and I want to stay in my room or in my bed in winter.
I think my dog, Shiro doesn’t like winter, neither because she always looks cold! Poor Shiro. (105 words)



Look at this picture! Can you tell what this is? This is a picture of a Sasebo-burger. About two years ago, I went to Sasebo to eat Sasebo burger with my friends. It was very long trip. We didn’t drive the expressway, so it took about five hours to get there. The night before the day, I didn’t have enough time to sleep, but I drove all the way without stopping. Of course I was so tired, but we really wanted to get there soon! Now I could tell that it was very dangerous thing to do, and I won’t do that again. When we got Sasebo city, we went to the beach at first. It was cloudy in the morning, but it was sunny there. The sea was very clear, too. After a while, we went to the zoo. I hadn’t been to any zoo these years, so we had a lot of fun. Then finally we went to get Sasebo-burgers! The most famous shop for Sasebo-burger was close, so we went the next store, but it still tasted good. After that, my friend drove to go back to Kumamoto. Two of us were sleeping on the way, so just the driver was awake. I’m sure that she was very sleepy, too. I felt so sorry for her, but she said to never mind. How nice she is! (229 words)

things I got to do!

Last week, I had to write a paper for one of my classes, called “Nihon-kindaishi”. We learn about three writings of Natsume Souseki in the class. We choose one of them, and read it then write a paper about his philosophy. We had to write at least 1200 letters in Japanese. It’s not so long, but it was kind of difficult subject for me. I read one of Natsume Souseki’s writings again over and over. It made me so tired, so I was very happy when I finished the assignment. However I still have some other papers.
Yesterday, I did another one for my Buraku-kaihouron class. The class is about discrimination. It is interesting class because it’s good to have the time to think about discrimination. Then this week, I am going to write another paper for my Eibei-bungaku-koudoku class. We learn about some literary works of Shake Spear. Sometimes we read the passages or watch the DVDs. We have watched “Hamlet”, “Twelfth night”, “Macbeth”, and one more DVD, I can’t remember how you spell it. I knew that Hamlet is very famous, but I didn’t know the story, so it was good to know. However they speak old English, so it is kind of difficult to understand. (208 words)

Before Sunrise and Before Sunset

I love those DVDs so much. They are not really funny or interesting, but they make me want to watch them again and again.
The main characters are Celine and Jesse.
Celine is a French woman, and going back to Paris because she goes to school, and her classes are starting next week. Jesse is an American and going to visit Vienna, but he has no plans to do, and he just knows that he is flying out of there tomorrow. They are taking same train, and they talk each other on the train and have a lively conversation. Of course they were going to get off the train at different station, but when Jesse was going to get off the train at Vienna, he asks Celine to come with him. At first, Celine was reluctant to go with him, but talking with Jesse was interesting for her, so they took off the train and walked around. They talked about each other like, about their family, what kind of people they like, and what do they hate, or something like that. They talked about each other so much. They went to record shop, a park, an amusement ground, a restaurant, and they also walked alongside of the river. In the night, they didn’t sleep, and they just kept walking and talking. Then it is time to leave there. Jesse takes Celine to see her off at a station, and Celine is going to take a train to go back to Paris. They liked each other, but they didn’t exchange their phone numbers. They just promised to see each other at just where they were about six months later. Then they leave there. “Before Sunrise” didn’t tell us if they really could see each other again, and the DVD ends. “Before Sunset” is the sequel of “Before Sunrise”. As I watch “Before Sunset”, I knew that they couldn’t see each other! Isn’t it so sad? However many years later, they met in Paris, and they seemed to be much older than before. The reason why they didn’t see each other at the station again was because Celine couldn’t be there because of her grandma’s death. Then the reason why they met in Paris was, Jesse wrote a book which tells about their trip in Vienna, and Celine read it then she knew that Jesse was coming to Paris for a talk show about the book. At first, Jesse lied Celine to pretend like he didn’t go there, neither, but later he tells her the truth that he did go there to see her and looked around for her couple days. They walked around Paris and let each other know how they’ve been getting along. The saddest thing in this story was, Jesse already had a wife and a child, and he still loves Celine. Celine still loves him, too. Jesse doesn’t really love his wife, but he loves his kid so much, so he is trying hard to establish a happy home for his kid. I remember that Jesse says something about married life in the first part of the DVD, “Before Sunrise”. He says that people can’t marry people who are really in love with. However people want to believe that we can, right? I like Celine because she is intelligent and an independent woman. (555 words)