


Look at this picture! Can you tell what this is? This is a picture of a Sasebo-burger. About two years ago, I went to Sasebo to eat Sasebo burger with my friends. It was very long trip. We didn’t drive the expressway, so it took about five hours to get there. The night before the day, I didn’t have enough time to sleep, but I drove all the way without stopping. Of course I was so tired, but we really wanted to get there soon! Now I could tell that it was very dangerous thing to do, and I won’t do that again. When we got Sasebo city, we went to the beach at first. It was cloudy in the morning, but it was sunny there. The sea was very clear, too. After a while, we went to the zoo. I hadn’t been to any zoo these years, so we had a lot of fun. Then finally we went to get Sasebo-burgers! The most famous shop for Sasebo-burger was close, so we went the next store, but it still tasted good. After that, my friend drove to go back to Kumamoto. Two of us were sleeping on the way, so just the driver was awake. I’m sure that she was very sleepy, too. I felt so sorry for her, but she said to never mind. How nice she is! (229 words)

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