

Some Interesting Things

I got a book from one of my friend, and the book was about Buddha. It was interesting to read, but some parts of them were difficult to understand. I always read the book before sleeping in my bed, but I always fell asleep soon. These days, I’m so sleepy. I bit I can sleep about two days if I have no school. I sleep too much!
I have read the bible, and it was some times difficult, too. However learning about Christian was very interesting to me. I used to think people go to heaven if they did good thing, and people who had done very bad thing go to hell, but my Christian friend told me that she doesn’t think so because everyone has done some bad thing. It can be small thing or really bad thing, and nobody can judge it. I really agreed with her.
 Today I watched “Hamlet” and “Macbeth”. They are Shake Spear’s works. I watch them to write papers for one of my class. I still need to watch “Twelfth Night”. They are kind of difficult to watch because they speak old English. However it is good to know about Shake Spear’s works. (200 words)

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