

things I got to do!

Last week, I had to write a paper for one of my classes, called “Nihon-kindaishi”. We learn about three writings of Natsume Souseki in the class. We choose one of them, and read it then write a paper about his philosophy. We had to write at least 1200 letters in Japanese. It’s not so long, but it was kind of difficult subject for me. I read one of Natsume Souseki’s writings again over and over. It made me so tired, so I was very happy when I finished the assignment. However I still have some other papers.
Yesterday, I did another one for my Buraku-kaihouron class. The class is about discrimination. It is interesting class because it’s good to have the time to think about discrimination. Then this week, I am going to write another paper for my Eibei-bungaku-koudoku class. We learn about some literary works of Shake Spear. Sometimes we read the passages or watch the DVDs. We have watched “Hamlet”, “Twelfth night”, “Macbeth”, and one more DVD, I can’t remember how you spell it. I knew that Hamlet is very famous, but I didn’t know the story, so it was good to know. However they speak old English, so it is kind of difficult to understand. (208 words)

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