

Friday morning

This morning, I woke up at about six forty, but I didn't get up because I was so sleepy, then I fell asleep again. Next, I woke up about seven twenty by my mom's call. I remembered that I asked mom to wake me up last night. My mom said not to fell asleep again, but I did. Then, I woke up about eight fifteen. I had to go to first period, so I got up soon and went to school. I was surprised that I could wake up. It was not too cold outside, but it was cool. I liked it. This afternoon, I have some interview at one O'clock to two O'clock. I will be asked about university. For example, what is the education policy of the English department? Why I decided to come to KGU? What the impression of this university after entrance to school. What am I going to do after graduating? How do I use library? Do I know about scholarship system well? Do I know about consultation system? I don't think I will be able to answer these questions.(185/3165)

Sports Festival!

We have sports festival on next Saturday, so I’m busy to prepare for it. Yesterday, I went to Donkiho-te in Kamikumamoto with my friends to get some stuff for the sports festival. Some people stay at school all night and practice dancing. I don’t need to practice dancing because only boys dance. Even if I had to practice dancing, I didn’t think I want to stay at school. It’s kind of messy, so I don’t want to sleep in the room. However we will not be able to sleep the night before the day. Maybe we have to spend the night at school tomorrow. I hope that it’s going to be a sunny day, and everyone enjoys sports festival.(119/2070)


Can you tell what this picture is? It is a piece of toasts. It’s about one O’clock a.m. I know that I shouldn’t eat anything before sleeping, and I usually try not to eat. However today, I was very hungry, and I was not going to sleep for a while. Then I putted a piece of toasts into micro wave. When I was typing English, my cell phone ringed. I answered, and talked with my friend about her part time job and so on. We talked about one hour. I forgot about the toast. It was too late to remember about it. The toast was already black, so I couldn’t eat! I’m still hungry now.(115/2851)


Book Review-4, Romeo and Juliet

I had heard about the stories of Romeo and Juliet, but I hadn’t read or watched before.
This is a famous and sad love story. I didn’t know that it includes suspense. I think this is good book, but it was kind of hard to understand. You should remember the names of the characters in the story. I think it is easier to understand. I want to watch it in a movie sometime.(73/2736 words)

Book Review-3, Martin Luther King

This book told about Martin Luther King, Jr.’s early life and what he did in his life. He was born on January fifteenth, 1929. King played with White boys until five years old, but they couldn’t same school because of their skin color. White boys’ parents told him to stop playing with their son. He was sad, and he cried a lot, then he hated all white people. King was so smart, so he graduated high school two years earlier than the other students. He was also a good student in church. His father was a preacher, so he went to church every day, and he sung in the church, but when he was fifteen, the teaching was not agreeable to him. Daddy King was sad because King didn’t want to be a preacher. At fifteen, he went to university called Morehouse College. At seventeen, he changed hi mined to be a preacher, and studied about God, then he became a preacher. Daddy King was proud. In 1948, he graduated from Morehouse College, and went to another college in Boston, the North to study medical science. He thought about good life in the North side, and he could be a college professor, but he didn’t. He returned South to fight for Black American’s right. In 1953, King married Coretta Scott from Alabama. She liked north, and she didn’t want to return to South because their life in North was comfortable. However she did return to north because she knew King’s work was more important. King gave a lot of speeches. He gave his last speech in Memphis, Tennessee. He was killed by a gun. He died at 7:05 PM on April 4, 1968. This is not the end of this book. I recommend this book because I learned a lot from it.(302/2663 words)