

Essay5 My Worst Day

My worst day was the day that I broke my arm. When I was a Junior High school student, I belonged to a Track and Field club. I liked running, but not any more because it makes me so tired.

One day, I was at school and running with my friends as a club activity. Usually, we start practicing in the morning, and finish running around one O’clock. The day, we run about thirty minutes, and did intervals 8 times. We were so tired, and we were going to run the last one. We started running, and someone who runs behind me stepped on my shoes. I was so surprised and didn’t understand what happened. I was so tired, so I fall dawn. Of course my friend running behind me felt down on me, too. I reached my hands on the ground. My friend I stood up and laughed a lot. However my arm hurt. I went to a sick bay at the school, and showed my arm to a teacher. She said me to go to a hospital, and I did. A doctor said my arm was broken. I couldn’t run until my arm gets better. My friend who was running with me felt bad. Her dad was growing trees of peach, so she brought many peaches to my house. I was so happy to have many peaches. I didn’t like running in the club, so I was lucky because I didn’t have to run while my arm was broken.

It was a bad day, but it was also a lucky day for me. (265/7126 words)

B.R.-17 Love by Design

The main character is Tom. The first of this story, Mr. Cutter who was Tom’s dad was very angry because Tom’s exam tests results were so bad. Tom says, “But I passed art class. Grade A!” Then Mr. Cutter says, “But you’ve failed your History, English, Biology, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry exam. Grade F!” However, Tom doesn’t care about it. What he wants to be is an artist, so he doesn’t care about his History, English, Biology, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry class. Tom wants to go to Silverton College to study Art and Photography. However, there was a bad news from Silverton College.
These things were written in the letter.
“Dear Tom
We are sorry to tell you that we cannot offer you a place on our Art and Photography course. We suggest that you return to school to take your exams again. Then you can study here next year. Yours sincerely.”
Tm didn’t like school, so he didn’t want to go back to school. Mr. Cutter says that Tom needs to get a job and work. Tom says, “I don’t want get a job. I’m only seventeen.” Tom dreams to make a lot of money by drawing and taking photographs. Mr. Cutter says Tom to find a job or go back to school. Tom really doesn’t wants to go back to school. Tom wrote a lot of letters to companies to ask for a job, and he filled about forty application forms. Then he got forty letters back, but of course there were no job for Tom. One day, Tom got a letter from Silverton Public Library to work there as an assistant. Mr. Cutter was so happy. Working at Silverton Public Library was very easy. Silverton Public Library was open all day, but it is a small library, and just few people comes to get some books to read at their home, or come to read newspapers. Most of the time of his work, he just sat at his desk, and he did nothing. Most of Tom’s friends study at Silverton College now. Tom wanted to go there with his friends. Sometimes Tom draws a picture of the visitors of the Silverton Public Library. One day, a girl came in to the library. She was not going to borrow any books or read newspapers. She just came into the library because it was raining. Then Tom started to draw her, and the girl notices that Tom is drawing her. She asks why he is drawing her, and Tom answers that’s because he has nothing to do, and he was bored. The girl smiles at Tom. The girl has dark hair and brown eyes. She is a very cute girl, and says that she doesn’t have anything to do either. “I never had anything interesting to do. But sometimes I make my own clothes,” the girl says. She made a coat that she is wearing now, too. It looks very nice. Tom was very surprised. The girl’s name is Rita Tatchi, and she is just seventeen, the same age as Tom. She says that she doesn’t have any job, and she lives with her father and sister. She doesn’t have her mom because of a car crush. Her dad was in the same car. He didn’t die, but badly injured. Her dad was an engineer, but it is hard to find new job, so they don’t have much money. After the talking, it wasn’t raining outside any more, so Rita left there. After the day, Tom waited for Rita comes to the library again, and he thought about Rita everyday. However Rita doesn’t appear. Four days after, Rita came to the Library. She says that she wants to be a model and went to many model agency, but she was too short to be a model. Tom decided to help her by taking her photographs, and they can send the photos to some fashion magazines. They saw each other every day, and talked a lot. They got closer and closer. However they had fight, and didn’t talk or see each other any more. Tom was angry at first, but he became sad. His friend told Tom to go to see Rita. Tom went Rita’s home, but Rita wasn’t there any more. Tom got to find her, and he did, but he didn’t want to talk to her. I was sad because they love each other, but they don’t know they do. In the last of the story, they see each other and Rita tells that she loves him to Tom on his birthday. Of course Tom still loves Rita, too. It made me so happy. This story was very, very long, but I recommend this book. (787/6861 words)


My memorable day was the days that I spent in America with my best friend. I went to T.G. High School, and they had a sister school in Clarinda, Iowa in America. Then I went to America to study abroad as an exchange student about ten months.
Clarinda is a town where Glenn Miller was born, so they have Glenn Miller Festival about one week every year. During the festival, T.G. High School’s brass band club students come to play Jazz music once in two years, and it was the year they come when I was in America. I had many good friends in brass band club, so I was so happy. My host mother said that I can choose one friend to stay together, so I could stay with my close friend about one week. During the festival, the guests were not only the students from T.G. High School. Many people from many countries came to Clarinda to play the music or to listen to the music. It was fun to see and talk to the people. T.G. High School students also had the time to practice playing music with Jack Million, a Jazz band which is formed by about twenty people from some countries in Europe. I went to see their practice and helped them by translating, but it was so difficult because I had not played any instrument, so I had any knowledge about music. However it was fun to talk with the members of Jack Million and watching the practice.
Anyway, during the festival, I could stay with my good friends in America, and had very valuable experiences. I will never forget about these days, and these are my memorable days! (285/6074 words)

B.R.-16 Mystery Girl

The main character is Phil. He lives in London. He plays a band. There are four people in the band. The day, they are going to play in front of important people. Many people from radio, magazines, and newspaper are coming to watch them. So it is a big day for them. They are going to start playing at seven thirty. However Phil is not here yet. They are going to play in forty-five minutes. They were waiting at first, but they went to find him. At that time, Phil was sitting on a chair in the street, and a girl was sitting next to him. She is cute. She is about from 17 to 20 years old, he thinks. Phil wants to talk to her. Phil smiles at her, and she smiles back. While he is thinking what to talk, she starts walking. He wants to ask her name and phone number. He follows her. His friends are still looking for him. They have to be playing in fifteen minutes. They don’t have time. Phil doesn’t know that he is going to play at seven thirty. He thinks he is going to play at nine thirty instead of seven thirty. Finally, Phil tries to talk to the girl, but Lee, one of his friends finds him. He explains that they have to be playing in ten minutes, and he takes Phil. Phil was very sorry, but he really wanted to ask her phone number, but he will never be able to have her phone number. Now, it’s time to play. They played well, and Phil’s mystery girl is watching the band with her friend! The girl wanted to talk to him, too. The girl was happy, too. Then she can go to talk to him after the play. I thought that’s good because they could be friend, but the end of the story was different from my thinking. The girl wanted to see him because she wanted to be a friend with Phil’s friend, Lee. Poor Phil! (338/5789 words)

B.R.-15 Lisa in London

Lisa is the main character in this story. Lisa is in London to learn English. She already can speak English, but she wants to learn good English. She takes a taxi to get the Young Woman’s Hotel. There is another student in the hotel. Lisa talks to her. She asks for a good school to learn English, and the student recommends the Alpha school. The next day, Lisa goes to the Alpha school. The secretary says Lisa that Michael is coming, but Lisa doesn’t know who Michael is. Then Michael comes. He says that Lisa is already late, and he wants six photos. Lisa can’t understand what he is talking about. Michael takes many photos of Lisa. She asks why he is taking many pictures of her, and she says that she just wants to take English Lessons. Michael thought Lisa is a model because it’s not Alpha school. It’s Alpha studio. Then Michael takes Lisa to Alpha school. When Michael goes back to Alpha studio, there is the real model, Miranda. They took some pictures for some new hairspray advertisement. After that, Michael shows some photos to Mr. Craig. Mr. Craig says that he likes Lisa’s pictures better than Miranda’s pictures. Michael goes to Alpha school to ask Lisa, but Lisa says no. Michael took a lot of girls’ picture, but Mr. Craig wants Lisa. Susan, Michael’s secretary goes to talk to Lisa because it is an important job for Michael. Lisa says okay. The next morning, a big car is waiting for Lisa, and takes her to a studio. There is Michael. Lions are there, too. They are in glass, so it’s safe. Lisa puts on the costume, and takes photos. Lisa thinks these are crazy. When she is going to leave, Michael says that they are going to take photos tomorrow, too. He needs to take photos for ten days. Lisa says no because she wants to take English lessons. She is not interested in model. Tomorrow morning, he goes to Alpha school with presents for her. Lisa still says no. After that, he goes to Lisa, again. He says that he can give her English lessons, and Lisa says okay, finally. Both of them are happy now. They take photos ten days. Michael is not good English teacher, but they had a lot of fun. They like each other. However Lisa has to leave London. They are so sad. Lisa goes to the airport, but she misses Michael a lot. She decides to stay London. They are happy now. However I feel sad little bit because she wanted to be a teacher, but she didn’t. I hope she became a teacher in London.(447/5451 words)


The main character is Ravi. He goes to Story Street Primary School. Ravi has a sister named Sanita. Mrs. Gohill who is Ravi’s mother said Ravi to look after Sanita because it’s her first day to go to school. Mrs. Gohill also said Ravi to take Sanita to Miss Cherry’s class. Sanita is kind of scared to be at school. Ravi took Sanita’s hand. He didn’t want to do it, but he did because his mother said him to do it. Then Ravi took her to Miss Cherry’s class. There were two other kids who come to Story Street Primary School first time. Their names are Donut and Cleo. They went to another school before, but they just moved to Story Street. Cleo is not same class with Sanita. Her teacher’s name is Mr Hopkins. Donut is in the same class with Ravi. Children have playtime, and Ravi goes to see Sanita. Ravi goes to find some kids who can be Sanita’s friend. There are some little kids. Ravi introduces Sanita to them and goes away to join his friends. The kids didn’t play with Sanita, so she didn’t know what to do. Then it is time to go back to their class room. However Sanita doesn’t know where to go. Sanita is still outside, but none is there. Sanita is sad, and she is almost crying. Then Donut finds Sanita crying, and goes to find her class room. Ravi sees them and feels so sorry. He says thank you to Donut, and takes her to Miss Cherry’s class. At first, Donut wasn’t used to his new classmate, but after that, they got closer. I haven’t change school, but sometimes I felt that I wanted to go to new school. However maybe it is tough for little kids. (298/5004words)

B.R.-13 Diana

Diana Spencer is born in 1961 in England. She has 2 older sisters and 1 younger brother. When she is 8 years old, her parents divorce. Four children live with their father. Diana gets a first boyfriend. His name is Charles. Diana marries Charles in London in 1981. However sometimes she is not happy because he visits his ex girlfriend and talks on the phone. Diana begins to be ill, but Charles doesn't help Diana well, and he often goes to see his ex girlfriend. Diana likes Swimming and dancing. These things help her to be healthy and beautiful. She likes helping people. She She's involved in Volunteer works. In 1997, Diana dies in a car accident in Paris. More than a million people come to London to remember her, and they put thousands of flowers in front of her house. (140/4706 words)

B.R.-12 Animals in Danger

There are more than thirty million species of animal in the world. Of course, some species disappear naturally, but today disappearing faster than before. Every year some of these species disappear and never see them again. People change things in our world quickly, but animals change very slowly. They are all going to disappear soon-or we can help them. our home is their home too. We shouldn't forget about it.(70/4566 words)


Last Monday, I went back to my hometown, Yamaga. Yamaga is country side. It takes about one hour to go there. I wanted to go home, but I couldn’t because I had my part time job afterschool. However, I don’t have my part time job any more in July. On Monday, I e-mailed my friend who live in Yamaga and goes to K.G.U. Her name is Mikako. She goes back to Yamaga after the fourth period, and I went back to Yamaga with that. Mikako and I went to same elementary school and same junior high school. However we hadn’t talked these days, so we talked a lot about each other in the car. It was so fun. I wanted to talk with her more, but it was already at my home in Kikuka. Kikuka is a country side. There are so many mountains and rivers. It is so different from Kumamoto city. We don’t have any convenience store. If you want to go to a convenience store, you have to go to next town. They don’t have anything but greens. However I like Kikuka town because I think it is beautiful to walk around in the evening in Autumn. When I got home, there was my mom, already. I forgot to tell my mom that I go back to home, so she was very surprised. I helped her cooking, and we ate supper. After eating supper, we went to walk the dog, Shiro. Shiro was a dog that I used to have at my apartment in Kumamoto city. I didn’t say anything to my mom when I decided to have Shiro because if I said that I was going to have a dog to my mom, she would say no. Then my friend took Shiro to my apartment. At first, I didn’t like Chihuahua, but I loved shiro so much. She was so shy. I was thinking about the dog’s name. I wanted to call her by cute name. However my friend was already calling her Shiro, so I quit thinking new name because I didn’t want to make Shiro confused. After a while, my friend left my apartment and went back to her home. Shiro was left at my apartment. Shiro doesn’t understand. Shiro waits for my frinds at the door. Of course the friend doesn’t come back. Shiro slept at the door the night. I felt sorry for her. Some day, Shiro notices that my friend never comes back, and she became not shy to me. After a few days, Shiro became to sleep with me in my bed. Isn’t she so cute? We got closer and closer. Then after a while, my mom said that she will come to my apartment to bring some rice. My mom came to my room, and she knew that I have a dog. My mom was so surprised, but she really liked Shiro, too. She wanted to take Shiro to home. Another day, she came again. She played with Shiro a lot. My mom said that Shiro should be at home in Kikuka because it is too narrow to stay for Shiro. I didn’t want her to take Shiro, but I agreed. I thought that it was too narrow, too, so I let my mom to take Shiro home. I was so sad, but my mom was so happy. Anyway, after eating supper, my mom and I went to walk Shiro. Shiro doesn’t walk that much, and she walks so slow. Isn’t she so cute? After that, I took shower, and went to a rental shop. I rented a DVD. Do you know ‘HILLS’? I didn’t watch it all, but it was good, so I want to watch it all some time. I was waiting for my sister comes back to home from her job, but I was sleeping without notice. (641/4496 words)

What I did yesterday

Today, I woke up about 8 O’clock, and went to school. I had second period, third period, and fourth period. I had a test during fourth period, and had to do a report. It was kind of difficult, but I could do it during third period. I was happy that I could hand it in. The test was also difficult, too. I could look at my textbook, but I couldn’t find the answer. I couldn’t write anything about first thirty minutes. However after that, I found some sentences that could be the answer I think. I could do my test somehow. Afterschool, I went to Nishigosgi to see the softball practice. It takes about thirty minutes to go there by car. I always go there by my friend’s car. Today, Sayaka who is one of my friends took me there. There was Marina in her car. Sayaka and Marina are secretaries of baseball club. They are both in eibei, and they are very good friends. I like them so much. It was so hot today, may be I got a lot of suntan already. I don’t like getting suntan. My skin color is so dark. I want white skin. This weekend, we go to Kitakyushu to play the softball games. I’m going to be outside all day, so I will get more suntans! Boo. (224/3855 words)