


The main character is Ravi. He goes to Story Street Primary School. Ravi has a sister named Sanita. Mrs. Gohill who is Ravi’s mother said Ravi to look after Sanita because it’s her first day to go to school. Mrs. Gohill also said Ravi to take Sanita to Miss Cherry’s class. Sanita is kind of scared to be at school. Ravi took Sanita’s hand. He didn’t want to do it, but he did because his mother said him to do it. Then Ravi took her to Miss Cherry’s class. There were two other kids who come to Story Street Primary School first time. Their names are Donut and Cleo. They went to another school before, but they just moved to Story Street. Cleo is not same class with Sanita. Her teacher’s name is Mr Hopkins. Donut is in the same class with Ravi. Children have playtime, and Ravi goes to see Sanita. Ravi goes to find some kids who can be Sanita’s friend. There are some little kids. Ravi introduces Sanita to them and goes away to join his friends. The kids didn’t play with Sanita, so she didn’t know what to do. Then it is time to go back to their class room. However Sanita doesn’t know where to go. Sanita is still outside, but none is there. Sanita is sad, and she is almost crying. Then Donut finds Sanita crying, and goes to find her class room. Ravi sees them and feels so sorry. He says thank you to Donut, and takes her to Miss Cherry’s class. At first, Donut wasn’t used to his new classmate, but after that, they got closer. I haven’t change school, but sometimes I felt that I wanted to go to new school. However maybe it is tough for little kids. (298/5004words)

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