

B.R.-15 Lisa in London

Lisa is the main character in this story. Lisa is in London to learn English. She already can speak English, but she wants to learn good English. She takes a taxi to get the Young Woman’s Hotel. There is another student in the hotel. Lisa talks to her. She asks for a good school to learn English, and the student recommends the Alpha school. The next day, Lisa goes to the Alpha school. The secretary says Lisa that Michael is coming, but Lisa doesn’t know who Michael is. Then Michael comes. He says that Lisa is already late, and he wants six photos. Lisa can’t understand what he is talking about. Michael takes many photos of Lisa. She asks why he is taking many pictures of her, and she says that she just wants to take English Lessons. Michael thought Lisa is a model because it’s not Alpha school. It’s Alpha studio. Then Michael takes Lisa to Alpha school. When Michael goes back to Alpha studio, there is the real model, Miranda. They took some pictures for some new hairspray advertisement. After that, Michael shows some photos to Mr. Craig. Mr. Craig says that he likes Lisa’s pictures better than Miranda’s pictures. Michael goes to Alpha school to ask Lisa, but Lisa says no. Michael took a lot of girls’ picture, but Mr. Craig wants Lisa. Susan, Michael’s secretary goes to talk to Lisa because it is an important job for Michael. Lisa says okay. The next morning, a big car is waiting for Lisa, and takes her to a studio. There is Michael. Lions are there, too. They are in glass, so it’s safe. Lisa puts on the costume, and takes photos. Lisa thinks these are crazy. When she is going to leave, Michael says that they are going to take photos tomorrow, too. He needs to take photos for ten days. Lisa says no because she wants to take English lessons. She is not interested in model. Tomorrow morning, he goes to Alpha school with presents for her. Lisa still says no. After that, he goes to Lisa, again. He says that he can give her English lessons, and Lisa says okay, finally. Both of them are happy now. They take photos ten days. Michael is not good English teacher, but they had a lot of fun. They like each other. However Lisa has to leave London. They are so sad. Lisa goes to the airport, but she misses Michael a lot. She decides to stay London. They are happy now. However I feel sad little bit because she wanted to be a teacher, but she didn’t. I hope she became a teacher in London.(447/5451 words)

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