

Essay5 My Worst Day

My worst day was the day that I broke my arm. When I was a Junior High school student, I belonged to a Track and Field club. I liked running, but not any more because it makes me so tired.

One day, I was at school and running with my friends as a club activity. Usually, we start practicing in the morning, and finish running around one O’clock. The day, we run about thirty minutes, and did intervals 8 times. We were so tired, and we were going to run the last one. We started running, and someone who runs behind me stepped on my shoes. I was so surprised and didn’t understand what happened. I was so tired, so I fall dawn. Of course my friend running behind me felt down on me, too. I reached my hands on the ground. My friend I stood up and laughed a lot. However my arm hurt. I went to a sick bay at the school, and showed my arm to a teacher. She said me to go to a hospital, and I did. A doctor said my arm was broken. I couldn’t run until my arm gets better. My friend who was running with me felt bad. Her dad was growing trees of peach, so she brought many peaches to my house. I was so happy to have many peaches. I didn’t like running in the club, so I was lucky because I didn’t have to run while my arm was broken.

It was a bad day, but it was also a lucky day for me. (265/7126 words)

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