


Last Monday, I went back to my hometown, Yamaga. Yamaga is country side. It takes about one hour to go there. I wanted to go home, but I couldn’t because I had my part time job afterschool. However, I don’t have my part time job any more in July. On Monday, I e-mailed my friend who live in Yamaga and goes to K.G.U. Her name is Mikako. She goes back to Yamaga after the fourth period, and I went back to Yamaga with that. Mikako and I went to same elementary school and same junior high school. However we hadn’t talked these days, so we talked a lot about each other in the car. It was so fun. I wanted to talk with her more, but it was already at my home in Kikuka. Kikuka is a country side. There are so many mountains and rivers. It is so different from Kumamoto city. We don’t have any convenience store. If you want to go to a convenience store, you have to go to next town. They don’t have anything but greens. However I like Kikuka town because I think it is beautiful to walk around in the evening in Autumn. When I got home, there was my mom, already. I forgot to tell my mom that I go back to home, so she was very surprised. I helped her cooking, and we ate supper. After eating supper, we went to walk the dog, Shiro. Shiro was a dog that I used to have at my apartment in Kumamoto city. I didn’t say anything to my mom when I decided to have Shiro because if I said that I was going to have a dog to my mom, she would say no. Then my friend took Shiro to my apartment. At first, I didn’t like Chihuahua, but I loved shiro so much. She was so shy. I was thinking about the dog’s name. I wanted to call her by cute name. However my friend was already calling her Shiro, so I quit thinking new name because I didn’t want to make Shiro confused. After a while, my friend left my apartment and went back to her home. Shiro was left at my apartment. Shiro doesn’t understand. Shiro waits for my frinds at the door. Of course the friend doesn’t come back. Shiro slept at the door the night. I felt sorry for her. Some day, Shiro notices that my friend never comes back, and she became not shy to me. After a few days, Shiro became to sleep with me in my bed. Isn’t she so cute? We got closer and closer. Then after a while, my mom said that she will come to my apartment to bring some rice. My mom came to my room, and she knew that I have a dog. My mom was so surprised, but she really liked Shiro, too. She wanted to take Shiro to home. Another day, she came again. She played with Shiro a lot. My mom said that Shiro should be at home in Kikuka because it is too narrow to stay for Shiro. I didn’t want her to take Shiro, but I agreed. I thought that it was too narrow, too, so I let my mom to take Shiro home. I was so sad, but my mom was so happy. Anyway, after eating supper, my mom and I went to walk Shiro. Shiro doesn’t walk that much, and she walks so slow. Isn’t she so cute? After that, I took shower, and went to a rental shop. I rented a DVD. Do you know ‘HILLS’? I didn’t watch it all, but it was good, so I want to watch it all some time. I was waiting for my sister comes back to home from her job, but I was sleeping without notice. (641/4496 words)

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