

B.R.-9 Different Worlds

The main character is a girl, Sam. She can’t hear anything. When she was born, she was a deaf. She doesn’t know much about her father because he left after Sam was born, but she had a beautiful, nice mother. Her mother plays music, laughs a lot, and says, “Life’s short, so choose to be happy.” Aren’t they so good words? I won’t forget these words, too. When she is eighteen years old, there is a man who Sam is in love with. Sam likes the man, but she doesn’t know his name. He works at a fruit and vegetable store, and Sam always watches the man working from her room window. Until she falls in love with him, she didn’t think anything about being deaf, but now, she wished that she could hear sounds like other people could. One day, she bought a newspaper at the store, and the man talked to Sam. Sam could lip-read, and she understood what he said to her, but she didn’t reply because she didn’t like using her voice. She had tried to talk, but her friends never understood what she is saying, or sometimes children made fun of her. That’s why she doesn’t like talking. Then Sam felt Sad.

Sam has a best friend, named Ron, and he knows the man working the store because the man is a friend of Ron’s brother, Pete. The man’s name is Jim. The night, Pete is going to have a party, and Jim will come to the party, so Ron invited Sam to the party, too. At the party, Sam and Jim got closer. Jim understood that Sam couldn’t hear, and he also knew that Sam could lip-read. They had fun conversation, but at the moment, there was a pretty girl in a red dress standing behind Sam. Sam doesn’t know if the girl is Jim’s girlfriend. Ron was like a brother to Sam, but they seemed like lovers, too.

The next week, Sam went to his shop to get some stuff, and Jim was there. They talked about the night at the party, and Jim asked her, “is Ron your boyfriend?” Sam answered that he is not her boyfriend, he is her best friend. Jim smiled and they promised to meet the next day at the night.
The next day, they went to a bar. Many people don’t understand what she says, but Jim does, and Jim talks slowly, so Sam can lip-read easily. They talked a lot and laughed a lot. They talked where they raised, and what they want to do in the future.
After that, they met and talked as often as they could. When they are not together, they e-mailed, so if they couldn’t see each other, they spoke everyday. Sam was so happy.

One day, Sam was walking alone, and a girl stood in front of her. It was the girl in red dress from the party. She was very mad, and said that she was Jim’s girlfriend until Sam and Jim met at the party. She also told Sam about Jim that Sam doesn’t know. Jim plays music, and music is everything for him, so he needs to be with someone who can listen to his music, she says. She also said, “Stay away from Jim”, and left.
Sam was very sad all day. Jim came to her home because Sam didn’t reply to his e-mail, and tried to tell Sam that he loves Sam, but it wasn’t enough for her. She was still sad. Jim told that he was dating with the girl, Lauren few months, but it was last year, and he said sorry that he didn’t tell her about his music. Sam understood Jim, but she couldn’t forget Lauren’s words because these were true.

Sam was still sad everyday, and mom talked to her about Sam’s father and how Jim loves her. Then Sam notices what she was thinking was stupid thing. After that, her mom takes Sam to a building, and Jim was playing music with his friends there. Sam could see real Jim there, and felt the vibration of his music in the floor under her feet. Jim notices Sam, and kisses! They are so happy in love!

At first, I was kind of angry with Lauren, the mean girl in the red dress from the party, and felt sorry for Jim because he is nice and really loves Sam, but Sam couldn’t answer to him at first because of Lauren! However it made their feeling for each other stronger, didn’t it? As I read this story, I felt so happy and made me want to be in love with someone, but I guess I won’t.  (789 words)

Movie Review1 Mr. Incredible

The main characters are Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Dash, Violet, Jack-Jack, and IncrediBoy.
Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl are a superhero and a superlady. They got married and had three children. One is a daughter who is named Violet. She has a power to disappear. She is a very shy girl, so she uses the power to disappear from in front of a boy Violet likes. Other two are sons who are named Dash and Jack-Jack. Dash has power to run very fast. Jack-Jack is only a baby who doesn’t have any special power. IncrediBoy is one of Mr. Incredible’s fans and wants to be Mr. Incredible’s partner, but Mr. Incredible says that he doesn’t need any partner.

Mr. Incredible likes saving people from danger, and one day, he saves a man’s life. The man was going to commit suicide by jumping off from a very tall building, and he didn’t want to be saved. People who were saved but did not want to be saved accuse Mr. Incredible, so he can’t save people. Other superheroes became just normal people, too. After that, Mr. Incredible works at a company, but he isn’t happy because he can’t use his powers and can’t help people in trouble. His family had to act like they are normal, too.

One day, a woman who is called Mirage appears in front of Mr. Incredible and says that she needs his special power. Of course Mr. Incredible goes to see her many times because he can use his power to make things better. After that, he felt happy, and it made his family feel happy, too. However it was a trap set by Syndrome. Syndrome was IncrediBoy, the biggest fan of Mr. Incredible. Now his name is Syndrome and he hates Mr. Incredible because of the words that Mr. Incredible said before. He told him, “Fly home. I work alone.” Then Syndrome got stronger to kill Mr. incredible, but his family comes to help him. Elastigirl didn’t let Violet and Dash use their special power, but now they can use their power! They also help people from Syndrome, and they are superheroes again.

At end of the story, their youngest baby, Jack-Jack showed his special powers. He wasn’t normal, either. It was so cute when Dash runs as fast as he can. He seemed so happy. I also remember that Elastigirl cries a lot because she thinks Mr. Incredible is cheating on her. The scene was sad, but I liked that.
I hoped that they were around us. Don’t you think so? (427/5114 words)


B.R.-8 Ali and his Camera

Ali, a boy who lives in Turkey is the main character in this story. He is interested in taking photos, but he doesn’t have his camera. He always takes photos in his heads. After school, he goes to a big market near his house and helps people with carrying their bags. Then people give Ali what they want. Sometimes they give Ali some foods, and sometimes they give him little money. Ali never spends the money, and saves them to get a camera. One day, Ali was walking the street with an old man to carry his heavy bags. A man was following them, and took a man’s bag that Ali was carrying. Ali tried to take back the bag, so the thief hit Ali. Ali fell down, and his money that he earned by carrying people’s bag fell out from his pocket. The thief took the money instead of the bag. Ali was very sad, but he said nothing and began making money again.

Another day, there was an old woman with two bags, and she asked Ali to carry them to her home. In the way, the old woman and Ali talked a lot. He tells her that he doesn’t have any camera, but he always takes photos in his head. When they got the old woman’s home, she asked him what they want, and Ali answered, “give me what you want.” Ali never said how much to give. She gave him a banana, and he was going out of the house. The old woman stopped Ali and gave him a camera that her son got first time. The old woman said, “You’re a very good boy. Remember my name. It’s Mrs. Yildiz,” Ali is so happy, and he told about it to his mom. His mom gave him some money to get films, but he didn’t take them because Ali wanted to get films by his own money. He kept working every after school, and finally he got some money for films. He bought some films and visited the old woman, Mrs. Yildiz to take photos. There was her son, Yusuf, too. Yusuf says that he can teach Ali a lot about photos. He looked at Ali’s pictures, and said that some of them were good, but some of them were not so good. At that time, Ali was very angry, but after a while he noticed that being meek and mild is important to learn new things.
Ali studies a lot about photos and his photos got better. One day, Ali’s photo was on a newspaper. Yusuf putted the photo on the newspaper. Ali got a new job to take photos for newspaper. Ali is so happy!

At first Ali even didn’t have a camera, but he worked hard to get a camera, and studied a lot to take better pictures. I used to give up many things before trying, but I got to change my mind. Now I believe that I can do what ever I want if I try really hard. (509/4687 words)