

B.R.-8 Ali and his Camera

Ali, a boy who lives in Turkey is the main character in this story. He is interested in taking photos, but he doesn’t have his camera. He always takes photos in his heads. After school, he goes to a big market near his house and helps people with carrying their bags. Then people give Ali what they want. Sometimes they give Ali some foods, and sometimes they give him little money. Ali never spends the money, and saves them to get a camera. One day, Ali was walking the street with an old man to carry his heavy bags. A man was following them, and took a man’s bag that Ali was carrying. Ali tried to take back the bag, so the thief hit Ali. Ali fell down, and his money that he earned by carrying people’s bag fell out from his pocket. The thief took the money instead of the bag. Ali was very sad, but he said nothing and began making money again.

Another day, there was an old woman with two bags, and she asked Ali to carry them to her home. In the way, the old woman and Ali talked a lot. He tells her that he doesn’t have any camera, but he always takes photos in his head. When they got the old woman’s home, she asked him what they want, and Ali answered, “give me what you want.” Ali never said how much to give. She gave him a banana, and he was going out of the house. The old woman stopped Ali and gave him a camera that her son got first time. The old woman said, “You’re a very good boy. Remember my name. It’s Mrs. Yildiz,” Ali is so happy, and he told about it to his mom. His mom gave him some money to get films, but he didn’t take them because Ali wanted to get films by his own money. He kept working every after school, and finally he got some money for films. He bought some films and visited the old woman, Mrs. Yildiz to take photos. There was her son, Yusuf, too. Yusuf says that he can teach Ali a lot about photos. He looked at Ali’s pictures, and said that some of them were good, but some of them were not so good. At that time, Ali was very angry, but after a while he noticed that being meek and mild is important to learn new things.
Ali studies a lot about photos and his photos got better. One day, Ali’s photo was on a newspaper. Yusuf putted the photo on the newspaper. Ali got a new job to take photos for newspaper. Ali is so happy!

At first Ali even didn’t have a camera, but he worked hard to get a camera, and studied a lot to take better pictures. I used to give up many things before trying, but I got to change my mind. Now I believe that I can do what ever I want if I try really hard. (509/4687 words)

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