


The main character's name is Faye. She is a student. She wakes up. It's Monday morning. School starts at nine o'clock, but it's already eight twenty. Her mom says to eat to Faye, but she doesn't have time to eat. Her mom asks Faye where she is going. Faye says that she is going to go to school. Mom tries to tell Faye something, but Faye doesn't listen to her mom. Faye takes bike to go to train station. A dog is coming to her. When Faye trys to dodge the dog, she falls down. Her bicycle doesn't work. It's raining. Somehow, she could get station on time, but train isn’t moving. A fallen tree is in the way of the train. She runs to get a bus. However bus leaves the bus stop before Faye get on the bus. She is very wet, and finally, she runs to school. She looks at her watch. It’s 8:59. Faye thinks, “good.” However, a paper is on the school gate. It says, “no school today.”

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