

Welcome Back and Good Luck, My Friends

I took this Purikura about one week ago. They are my friends who go to KGU, and they are in the English Department, too. Their names are Miyo, Sayuri, Airi, Ayaka, and Erika. Miyo and Airi just came back from America. They went to America as the exchange students for about 1 year. I really like listening to their memories in America. When we talk about it, I remember my memories in Iowa, America, too. I want to go back there! I miss America. Anyway, we had welcome back party for Airi and Miyo the day that we took the Purikura. Also it was the party for Erika, too. She is going to Hokkaido for her induction. She said that she will come back to Kumamoto one time before we graduate. I can’t believe it. Only one time? We talked each other a lot, laughed a lot, and really enjoyed the party together. She already left Kumamoto about few days ago. I hate saying good-bye to my friends. I wasn’t ready to say good-bye to her, and I cried at the parting. I want her to take me to Hokkaido, too, haha. I hope that she enjoys and spends good days there. We will take contacts in our future even if we stay far away, I wish. (217 words)

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