

Essay-1, Advice to KOHAI

I took this class last year, and I think my English writing got better. I also can use computers better than before. You will be able to write English and use computers better than before, too.
What you need to do for this class are, posting to your blog, writing essays, and reading books. You post to your blog three times a week. You can write anything, but you must have at least 40 words each time. You also need to write 6 essays by the due date. You will get the topics for each essay. I told you that you need to post three times a week, but you also need to post book reviews besides the three posts. The library in KGU has many books which are written by easy English, so you read the books without English dictionaries, and write reviews for the books. You can’t write exactly same sentences from the books. When the term ends, you have to have 10000 words and 12 book reviews on your blog. You can get the credit if you do all of them by the due date. The due date is very important! If you can’t come to class, you should send e-mail to Mr. Tomei to ask what to do for next class.
I think writing essays and posting regularly are very good to improve your English writing. I didn’t write regularly, and I didn’t write them by the due date, so I didn’t get the credit, but if you do that, I’m sure that you will get the credit. Good luck! (264 words)

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