

A rat for Mouse

Jojo and mouse get new pet. It’s a hamster named Jumbo. Jumbo is a boy. Everyone loves Jumbo. However Mouse doesn’t really like Jumbo because he is so shy and hides all the time. Mouse wants another pet, and he says, “We should have our own pet.” Jojo wants to have Jumbo all to her self so she agreed. Mr. Macdonald takes Mouse to a pet shop. They look at rabbits, fish, birds, gerbils, guinea pigs, and chinchillas. However Mouse doesn’t want these animals. Mouse sees a rat. Shop keeper says that rats are the one-person pets. He really likes it. Mouse buys the rat, a ladder, a wheel, and some food. Mouse shows the rat to his family. Mom is very surprised. Mouse names the rat Ricky. Ricky has never bit Mouse. Ricky plays with Mouse. He goes everywhere with Mouse. Mouse shares his meals with Ricky. Ricky sleeps in a cage right next to Mouse’s bed. However Ricky is not nice to other people. When one of Mouse’s friends tried to pick him up, Ricky bit the Mouse’s friends. Mouse’s friends are afraid of Ricky. They say that Mouse should take Ricky back to the pet shop. However Mouse thinks Ricky is not bad because he has told everyone that rat is a one-person pet, so he might bite others. Then everyone understands. After that, no one tries to touch Ricky.

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