

B.R.-2 The Gold Touch

A long time ago, there was a king named King Midas. He was a nice king, so people like him. However he wasn’t as rich as other kings, so he wanted to be as rich as others. One day, King Midas was walking, and he saw a man sleeping in his palace. The man says that he has no money, no food, and nowhere else to go. King Midas gave the man a bed and some foods for ten days. Dionysus, one of Gods was watching over his act and said King Midas, “Your act of kindness will be rewarded. I grant you one wish.” King Midas said, “I want everything I touch to turn to gold.” Dionysus says that he doesn’t think it is a good idea, but King Midas wanted it. Then Dionysus gave the power to him. He was so happy that everything King Midas touches turn to gold. However at the dinner time, he can’t eat anything because of the power. When he tries to eat, foods turn to gold. His daughter helped him to eat, and he could eat dinner. However after that, he touched to his daughter, and she turned to gold! King Midas is so surprised. He called Dionysus, and asked to remove his wish. Dionysus says that he can do that, but King Midas will be poorer than before. King Midas doesn’t care. He wants his daughter back. Then Dionysus removed his wish. Now he is poorer, but happier than before. (250/653 words)

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