

B.R.-4 Zippy Zebra Finds a Friend

There is a zebra It is a little boy and so active. He wants friends to play together. One day, he saw a Cheetah running. The Cheetah runs so fast. He asked his mother if they could be good friends, but she said no, of course. After that, he saw a crocodile swimming, and the crocodile swims well. He asked his mother if they could be good friends, and his mother said no, again. She knows that Cheetah and crocodile eat zebra, so she says zebra can’t play with Cheetah and crocodile. The zippy zebra asks who can be a good friend with him, and his mother says that there is an animal which can be a good friend with him. It is a zebra. Of course zebra can be good friends. I noticed that’s why they move with a herd of same animals.(144/1251 words)

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