


Look at this cute cat’s picture! This is not my cat, but my friend’s cat. This is American-short-hair-cat. Do you know about American-short-hair-cat? I didn’t know much about that kind of cats, but my friend told me a lot about the cats. They have symmetrical stripes on their back! I looked on her back, and she really had symmetrical stripes! It was beautiful. Her name is Yu-chan, and she is very friendly. When I am just sitting, she tries to come to my shoulder, and starts sleeping. I didn’t know that cats are so friendly. I thought cats don’t play with people, and they like playing by themselves. I wasn’t cat person, but I felt I wanted to have my cat. However I won’t have cat because I have a dog, Shiro! Shiro might be jealous, so I won’t have any other pets. (143/ 3813 words)

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