

B.R.-1 Chance of a Lifetime

The main character’s name is Helen, and she lives in Wales. One day, she gets a letter, and it says, “Dear Mrs. Davies, Thank you for coming to see us. As we told you we need a tour guide for a trip from London to Istanbul. We would like to offer this job…” Helen is glad to get this letter, but not really happy. Helen can speak French and Italy, and she likes traveling around, so this job will be wonderful for her. However she thinks about her boyfriend too much. She is like a high school girl. She is pretty and intelligent, but she can’t decide what she does without her boyfriend, and this is her problem. Her boyfriend’s name is Tom, and he is in Scotland, now. They have been dating from University, but Helen is not sure if he really loves her because Tom calls her mom many times, but he called Helen just one time, and doesn’t want to talk about them.
The next day morning, Helen got a phone call, and it was Tom! He was very excited and said that he got a job to work in a big international company. At first, Helen was happy for him, too, but she was sad to know that Tom has to work in Australia. He said that he was leaving in few days. When she asks Tom if they can see each other before he leaves, he says he can’t, and when she tells that she got a new job, too, he doesn’t even ask about the job! Can you believe that? I’m sure that he doesn’t love Helen, and she should quit dating him, I think. Helen talked about it to Jill, a best friend from university, and she says Helen is just like her boyfriends mother because Helen always thinks about her boyfriends, gives everything to her boyfriends, and did everything! What Jill said was all true. Helen decided to quit thinking about love, and she decided to take the new job!

Helen got a tour group, and there were twelve people in the group. Not all of them were nice, of course. During the tour, one room was given per two people at hotels, but Angela, twenty-one years old girl says she doesn’t want to share the room, and she always seemed bored. In addition, Angela is very mean to Helen. There are some more problems. Three young boys always smoke, and some other tourists don’t like it. As they travel around, Helen gets more problems. Some time some of them quarrel with each other. Sometimes a guy in the group asks her to eat out even when they have to eat with the group at the hotel. He is mysterious because nobody knows where he is or what he does usually. Helen doesn’t think she wants to take this job any more.
The biggest problem happened at the end of the tour. It was Vic trying to pass across the border with stolen passport.

This story was kind of long, but how they solve the problems, and Helen’s decision about the job and her boyfriend were very interesting. I really recommend you to read this book! (536 words)

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