


The classes ended! I’m so happy that I don’t have classes anymore! However, we have the tests next week, but I’m still happy because we have summer vacation after the tests. We have no school about a month and half. I got so many things to do like, going to see, going to the trip, going to the softball practice, and I must be working on my Sotsuron. I want to write really nice one, so I will do my best! I also have my friend’s wedding. It is my first time to go to my friend’s wedding. Her name is Hidemi, and we are friends from Junior High School. I can’t believe that she is just going to marry because we are only 22 years old. However I’m really looking forward to see her wedding dress look. (138 words)

1 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Congraturations on your friend's wedding;)
She must be very very happy!

Good luck for your tests and have a nice summer vacation!!
