

13 typing homeworks

I couldn't go to first class because I had to stay at my apartment, and get a package. I don't like I have to be at home when postmen come. Any way, I don’t use computer so often. It was kind of difficult to use computer. However it wasn’t too difficult because my friends taught me how to use computer when I couldn’t understand.

I was not used to listen to Japanese pop music. I liked listening to American music when I was a Junior high school student. However now I like listening to Japanese pop music. I like Utada Hikaru. She is good at speaking English, too. I have watched that she was speaking English on TV. I think she is very talented.

I love watching movies. I always watched DVDs with my mom. My mom liked watching DVDs, too. We watched many DVDs together. I liked a movie which was called GHOST specially. I watched it a lot of times. I always recommend the DVD to my friends, and my friends like the movie, too. However I don’t like dubbing movies into Japanese.

I like golden week. I like vacation! I want to go shopping. I want to watch movies. I want to hangout with my friends. However the best thing that I want to do is going back to Kikuka. Kikuka is my hometown. I am not homesick, but I want to see my family. I like them a lot. I wasn’t used to cook at my home, but now, I can make supper for them. My mom will be surprised.

People who are not close to me always say, “You don’t eat that much, do you?” However I eat a lot! I like eating very much. My friends say that I eat a lot. I think girls eat food more than boys think. Don’t you think so? I liked eating my mom’s supper at my home. However now, I have to cook by myself. I think I like cooking now.

When I was a Junior High School student, I wrote English words a lot of times to memorize the spelling. Now, I don’t write that much to memorize the spelling. I also translated English sentences to Japanese sentences. Now, It is not as difficult as I felt before, I think. Then my English teacher made me memorize the grammar. I didn’t like memorizing, but now, I think it was good.

I have a class which is called bunka-jinruigaku. We learn about other cultures, other religions, and other ways to think. I thought it was difficult to make the notes of this class, but when my friend explained to me, I understood, and I was interested in this class. Few days ago, I had a test of this class. I studied a lot, and I did my best. After taking tests, I usually feel like I failed. However I didn’t feel like that after taking this class’s test.

When I was in Elementary School, my teacher asked to the students, “If you had 10000000 yen, what would you want?” My best friend said, I want to go to America. Then the teacher said that studying abroad is very nice, and he really recommended that. I wasn’t interested in foreign countries until it, but I was interested in foreign countries after that. I always told my mom that I want to go study abroad. I like studying about other cultures. I like studying about other cultures. I think it’s cool. Do you think so, too?

I already wrote about my favorite movie, but I will write about it, again. My favorite mvie’s title is GHOST. I really like it when Sam tries to pick the coin up. Then Morry can know Sam is there. I also like Odamei(I don't know the spelling) who is one of the characters. She has done many bad things, but she is still good parson, and she will never do bad things again. I wish that Odamei can go to heaven.

I don’t like using the computer, but I know that computer is very useful for people who know how to use computer. There are many good points. When I write a report, I need computer. Usually we have to type them, but one time, I didn’t need to type. I didn’t want to use computer, so I wrote by hand. I had to write a lot of words. I was so tired. My handwriting was terrible at the last part. Then I noticed that I should use computers to write reports.

Last summer, I bought a cell phone. The cell phone was waterproof. I liked the color. It was gold. Few months later, I lost the cell phone. I couldn’t find it. I gave up finding the cell phone. I told my mom. Then I went to buy another cell phone. I bought a black cell phone. I liked it, too. The few months later, I broke the cell phone. I dropped it into toilet. It was dirty. I knew it was not good, but I washed it. Of course it was broken.

I think I should blog regularly. I always think I will blog regularly next time, but always I don’t. I think blogging is good because it makes me read English books. I have to read books to write book reviews. At first, reading English books was not so easy for me, but I can read the English books easily now. Also, I must use computer to blog. I have to type them. I think it is good because I think I can type faster than before. Blogging is good to remember what I did, too. The pictures I put bring me back old memories.

It’s summer vacation. I like summer because I love sunny days. I just don’t like that I get a lot of sun tan in summer. Oh I don’t like sweating, either. I can’t wear gray t-shirts. Any way, I have a lot of things to do in this summer vacation. First, I have to stay in Nishigoushi-kenshuujo from July 31st to August 2nd. Korean university students come to Japan, so we take them to a lot of places. Next, I have a birthday party on August 3rd. Next, I have summer camp. We go to Amakusa with some people who belong to sports clubs from August 4th to 5th. Then I go to Yamaguchi-ken from 7th to 10th. We have softball games. I have more things to do.

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