


Long time ago, there was a carpenter. His name was Mr. Cherry. He needed a table leg, and he had a piece of wood. As Mr. Cherry curves the piece of wood with his chisel, a little voice cried out. He heard someone saying, “Don’t hurt me!” Mr. Cherry is very surprised. Nobody is there except Mr. Cherry. He shouted, “Who’s there?” However nobody answers. Then, someone knocked at the door. It was his friend, Gepetto. Gepetto says that he want to make a puppet. Then someone says, “Good for you, macaroni hair.” Gepetto is angry now. He thinks that Mr. Cherry said that, but Mr. Cherry didn’t say anything. Gepetto says, “It must have been you. There is no one else here. But give me some wood and I might forgive you.” Mr. Cherry is glad because he can give the strange wood away. Gepetto takes the piece of wood to his home. He is looking forward to make the best puppet in this world. He decided to call it Pinocchio. He made a head with hair. He also gave Pinocchio two eyes. Gepetto notices that Pinocchio’s nose is growing. The nose is getting longer and longer. Gepetto quits thinking about the nose. Then he started curving mouth. Before finishing making the mouth, the mouth moves, too. The mouth is laughing. Gepetto keeps making Pinocchio. He makes the body. Then Pinocchio jumps up and run out with Gepetto’s wig in his hand.

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