


I took this book to read because I liked the unique pictures. The pictures are cute, but sometimes looked strange. The story was about a sultan. He is a very cruel man. The sultan had lost his left hand in the war, so he has an iron fist now. People in the island are afraid of him. They did exactly what he said. If they don’t, they have to go to the kingdom’s prison. On his birthday, the sultan orders something to his followers for fun. The followers are scared on his birthday because if they can’t exactly he ordered, they have to go to the prison, too. This year, the two of the sultan’s followers are set a challenge. The challenge is a “Camel Race”. However it’s not just a camel race. The looser has to spend 5 years in the prison and tattoo of the sultan on his chest to remind his failure. Isn’t he so mean? I don’t think I want to live under the cruel sultan.(170/243 words)

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