

B.R-10 The Truth Machine

The main character is Professor Verity, and he was an actual person, wasn’t he? He made a machine and named it, the Truth Machine. How to use the machine is, first the questioner sits in a little chair, and the truth speaker sits at a big chair. Next, Professor Verity sits in front of the controls. If the truth speaker lies, the machine tells us that the person is lying.
One day, Professor Verity finally completed the Truth Machine, and called newspaper office. Then a reporter came to his laboratory soon, and asked Professor Verity few questions. The reporter asked why he made the Truth Machine, and Professor Verity answered that he loves truth, good people, and peace, and he hates lies, bad people, and war. The truth machine loves truth, good people, and peace, and it hates lies, bad people, and war. The reporter wrote it down, and went back to his newspaper office.
Soon, Professor Verity was on the radio and television, so many people new about him and the Truth Machine. People from all over the world sent him letters and money. Professor Verity read all of the letters and chose three people, Mrs. Seeker from Australia, Inspector Sack from South America, and Dr. Simple from the U.S. Professor Verity wrote them back to come to see him, and to be one of the first clients. Few days later, Mrs. Seeker visited professor Verity, and said that she wouldn’t be his first client because the first client would be her husband! She says that her husband has an affair. Professor Verity told her to come next Monday morning.
Then, Inspector Sack was the next visitor. He is a policeman, and he says that he wants Professor Verity’s help to fight against the criminals. Professor tells inspector to bring the criminals to him next Monday afternoon.
The third client was Dr. Simple, and he already knew that he was professor’s third visitor and he also knew about Mrs. Seeker and inspector Sack. Mr. Simple is a spy, and he says that he has caught a spy, and he wants the truth from the spy. Professor tells Dr. Simple to come again next Monday evening.
Monday morning came, and Mrs. Seeker brought her husband to Professor Verity’s laboratory. Mrs. Seeker asks Mr. Seeker if he loves her, but he says that he doesn’t love her, and he loves Anne Elliott, Mrs. Seeker’s best friend. Now she got the truth, but she doesn’t know what to do.
The afternoon, Inspector Sack came with his boss, the Chief Inspector, and some criminals. The criminals tell the truth one after another. Inspector Sack is very happy now. However, suddenly his boss says that they don’t need Inspector Sack anymore because no more criminals, no more work. Now he lost his job.
The Monday evening, a dangerous spy was brought by Dr. Simple. At first, the spy seemed telling them truth, but he said that he is not telling the truth because always lying is the truth for him. Now they don’t even know if he is telling the truth or not.
Mrs. Seeker, Inspector Sack, and Dr. Simple are mad at professor Verity. They visited professor Verity, and this time they are the questioners, and the truth speaker is Professor Verity. He was asked what really want, and answered that he wanted money and power. They are so mad. Dr. Simple broke the truth machine, and inspector shot Verity with his gun.
This story was kind of long, but very easy to read. I didn’t like the end of story. The story ended by halves. (603 words)

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