

Movie Review-3 Cars

When McQueen was going to California for a race called The Piston Cup, he was caught by a police car because he was driving too fast. Instead of putting him in jail, the judge made him fix the road in the town, Radiator Springs. The cars in Radiator Springs have a big problem. The problem is that they have no visitors because the stores and road are too old. The town isn’t even on the maps. That’s why McQueen was forced to fix the road there. Everyone, especially Sally, a blue Porsche, is trying to bring customers and trying to get the town back to it’s original feeling.

At first, McQueen hated being in the town, but he had to stay there few days to make the road better, and he practiced running faster while staying in the town. As he stayed in the town, he came to like the town because he drove to some nice place there with Sally. One more thing to make him interested in the town was Hudson Hornet. He had won The Piston Cup three times, and he was in the town! Before he came there, he didn’t like getting dirty or “rusty old cars”. However he changed his mind because he knew many nice “rusty old cars” in the town.

At the last part of the story, Radiator Springs got better because of McQueen, but he was taken back to The Piston Cup, so he had to leave the town. During the race, he couldn’t stop thinking about the days that he used to spend in the town. However I was so happy when the cars from Radiator Springs were supporting McQueen in the car race. McQueen didn’t win in the race, but he learned there are more important things than winning in the race. I was almost going to cry at the end of the race. I will show this movie to my kids. (322 words)

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