

Movie Review-4 Drumline

This movie tells us how precious friends are. In the movie, the character always helped each other when they are in trouble.
The main character in this movie was Devon. He had a genius for playing the drum, but he was also a problem child in the band. He is not used to listen to people’s advice. However he was always nice to his mother and his friends.

In the movie, Devon just entered a college called A&T. A&T is famous for a marching drum, but these years, A&T haven’t won Morris Brown which was a rival brass band team. Morris Brown plays pop music, and it has a high popularity among the listeners, but A&T doesn’t play pop music because Dr. Lee doesn’t like that, and he seeks for “real” music. Dr. Lee is kind of strict, but really nice director who thinks a lot for his students.
One day, Dr. Lee knew that Devon couldn’t read the music, and Dr. Lee made him study to be able to read the music. Devon couldn’t understand that Dr. Lee didn’t let him play the drum until Devon became to be able to read the music because he can play better than other teammates without the music. However, his girlfriend, Laila teaches Devon that sometimes he can’t do the things what he only want to do, and Devon also teaches Laila that she was just dancing to her parent’s tune, and sometimes she needs to do what she wants to do.
In the end of the story, Devon studies a lot to read the music with Sean who used to dislike Devon. Then they got to be friendly, and then made music together for next big competition. It was really good, and the year, they could win Morris Brown with the music.

At first, I didn’t like Devon because he was impudent and cocky. In fact, he was kind of that, but so nice to his friends. One time, he taught his friend how to play better really hard. I thought if I can do something really hard for other people.I got to imitate him! Also, the words that Laila and Devon said to each other were really important things, too. I know I should listen to people saying something for me, but sometimes I care too much about people around me, like my family or my friends. I learned many lessons from this movie.
You will not enjoy only the story but the music and the dance. (417 words)

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