

B.R.-15 Karen and the Artist

The main character is Karen, and she works at an airport. She flies around the world as her job, and her father writes books. Now he is writing a book about arts.
One day, Karen is in Rome, and she is flying back tomorrow morning. In the afternoon, she doesn’t have job, so she enjoys walking around and drinking some coffee in a cafeteria. There are many beautiful pictures on the wall there, and she asks the barman who draws the pictures, but the barman seemed unhappy. He says that the artist’s name is Antonio, and he comes to the cafeteria everyday, but he never pays for the foods then he gives the barman his pictures instead of money. When Karen and barman were talking about Antonio, he just appeared, and said, “Give me some food and a drink.” The barman says no, and they start to argue. Karen couldn’t stand it, and says, “Can I see the picture?” to Antonio. Karen buys some of his pictures and they ate food together. Antonio says that he wants to draw Karen’s picture sometime Karen comes to Rome next time, so they promised to do it. Then Karen flew back to London with Antonio’s pictures and showed them to her dad. She says that she is going to the pictures for Antonio, but her dad says that the pictures are good, but it is going to be difficult because people don’t know the artist. Karen takes the pictures to an art gallery, but the old woman who works there didn’t even look up, and just said she didn’t know the name, Antonio. Suddenly a guy came into there and said, “I got a new Sharman for you! It’s wonderful.” The old woman said, “Who?” The man said, “Oh, you know him, Sherman! He’s got an exhibition at the Galerie Saint Michel in Paris! Then the old woman looks at the picture and buys it. Karen listened to the conversation, and visits next art gallery. There was an old man sitting, and Karen said, “I’ve got a wonderful new Brunetti for you.” Brunetti is Antonio’s family name, and of course the old man in the gallery doesn’t know him, but Karen kept talking and said, “You know him, he has got an exhibition at the Leonardo in Rome.” She talked just like the guy in the gallery she visited. Then the old man says that he will buy it and pay 900 euro for the picture. Karen was so happy, but she acted like she is not, and the old man says, “All right, 100 euro,” and Karen okays it. She is so happy. When she flies other countries as her job, she brings Antonio’s pictures and sells them like she did before. She got a lot of money, and a week later, she flies to Rome and goes to the café to see Antonio. She asked the barman if he know where he is. However he said he didn’t know and Antonio hadn’t come to the café these days. Karen is so sad. Suddenly a boy who was sitting at a table in the café comes and talks to Karen. He says that he is Giorgio, and Antonio’s friend. He knew Karen because Antonio always talked him about Karen. He also says that Antonio is ill, so she asked him to take her to Antonio. She got many food and drink. Antonio hadn’t got money, so he couldn’t eat well, so he is ill and in the bed. Antonio was very happy to see Karen, and Karen is happy, to. It was so sweet that he says to Karen not to leave him again. The book didn’t say anything if they go out, but I strongly hope so.
Also, I learned how to sell pictures which are not famous. (636 words)

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