

MOVIE- No Reservation

The main character is Kate, she is one of the best chefs in the city, and she has a kitchen at a restaurant. Many customers love her dishes. Of course there are some customers who don’t like her food, but she is sure that her food is perfect, so she doesn’t satisfy to their orders. This is kind of her problem. Her boss says, “If you were not one of the best chefs, I would fire you.” One more problem about her is, she is not going to date anyone, and she doesn’t even want to. The best thing for her was working and cooking, so she works everyday.

One day, Kate’s sister was coming to her home with her daughter, Zoe, an elementary school student. When they were driving to Kate’s house, Kate and her sister was talking on the phone. Kate asks her what Zoe likes for dinner, and Zoe’s mom answers, “She eats anything. She is a vacuum cleaner.” However, they had car accident on the way to Kate’s house. Zoe was okay, but Zoe’s mom died. Then Kate’s boss made Kate to take a week off. Kate decided to let Zoe stay in her house because Zoe didn’t have her father.

Kate and Zoe started to live together, and Kate cooks very nice dinner for Zoe every night, but Zoe doesn’t eat anything, and just says that she is not hungry. However Kate said nothing to Zoe because she knew it’s so tough for her to loose her mom so young.
Kate is still on the days off, but Kate goes to see how people are doing at the kitchen in the restaurant during the dinner time. Then Kate sees a guy that she doesn’t know in the kitchen, and they seem they really enjoy cooking working there. Kate’s boss says that Nicholas, the new guy in the kitchen is a very nice chef and many restaurants offered him to work there, but he chose her restaurant because he wanted to work with Kate. However she doesn’t like that. Maybe she felt like he would take the kitchen from her.

About Zoe, she still doesn’t eat. She just answers Kate’s questions yes or no. Zoe knows Kate is trying hard to make Zoe happier, but she doesn’t need it.
Kate is under a lot of stress because at home, Zoe isn’t still attached to her, and Nicholas is annoying for her in the kitchen. One day, Kate takes Zoe to the kitchen in the restaurant during her work. Zoe talked to Nicholas and ate his food! Kate was very glad to see her eating. Zoe starts to talk to Kate, too, and follows her wherever she goes. Zoe goes to the restaurant everyday and enjoys helping them. Kate starts to appreciate Nicholas, too. One day, Zoe asks Kate to invite Nicholas to their home for dinner. Then Zoe made pizza for Kate with Nicholas. Isn’t that so sweet? That made me so happy. When Zoe and Kate just started to live together, Zoe didn’t talk to Kate and showed no feeling, but it was not only about Zoe. Kate showed no feeling to Zoe, neither, and Kate couldn’t make Zoe to do something even when she should because Kate felt sorry for Zoe to loose her mom. However these days they got closer, and talked a lot. They got mad at each other and yelled at each other. People can’t argue if they were not really close, right? They are becoming just like a family finally.

Kate got a phone call from Zoe’s teacher, and told her to stop letting Zoe to work at restaurant together because Zoe shouldn’t be working place at the night, you know. That’s sad that Zoe can’t be there any more, but it wasn’t only bad thing. Kate started to take a day off to play with Zoe sometime. Kate used to work EVERYDAY, but now she is taking some break and enjoys her life!
I thought the story was ending, but they got another problem. In the restaurant, the boss always asked Kate for all jobs, but now, the boss is asking many things to Nicholas. Kate gets mad at the boss and Nicholas because she was loosing her kitchen.
Aren’t you interested how they solve it?
I really recommend you to watch this movie. (731 words)

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