

B.R-2 Diana

Diana was a princess of Wales. She died on 31 August 1997 because of a car accident in Paris.

“Young Diana”
Diana was born in 1st July 1961 in England. She had two older sisters and one younger brother. She loved playing with her younger brother. However Diana’s parents were not happy and her mother divorced her father when Diana was eight years old. Then Diana’s mother lived with a man in Scotland after that. The four children stayed with their father, but they often visited their mother. When Diana was sixteen years old, her father married a new wife. Her name was Raine. Diana didn’t talk to her because she didn’t like Raine. Dian didn’t want new mother. She wasn’t good at school work, too, but she liked playing or helping young children.

“ Diana meets Prince Charles”
When Diana was sixteen, she worked in schools for young children in London. Queen’s son, Prince Charles was a friend of Diana’s sister, Sarah, and sometimes he visited her. When his great uncle died, Diana talked to him, and tried to help. Diana always tried to help unhappy people. Then Diana and Charles got closer. They talked a lot and laughed a lot. They liked each other. On 29 July 1981, Diana was nineteen years old, and she married in London.

“Children and illness”
On June 21 1982, they got first son. They named him William. At first, they were happy. However they always couldn’t stay at home because they had to visit many countries. Diana also didn’t like photographers following her. The streets were always full of people to see Diana and to give her flowers. It was difficult for Prince Charles, too because people want to see Diana, not Prince Charles. He felt like he was just there to carry his wife’s flowers. He said he didn’t care, but he was not happy about that. Diana always seemed a beautiful, happy, young mother, but she wasn’t always happy. She didn’t like Prince Charles talking his ex girlfriend, Camilla on the phone. Sometimes he visited Camilla. Diana began to be ill. It called bulimia. She ate a lot, and after that, she was ill, so she didn’t get fat. Prince Charles didn’t understand bulimia, and he was unhappy about her illness. He began to visit Camilla very often.

On September 15 1984, Diana and Prince Charles got second son, named Harry. However Diana was getting tired of Prince Charles. In 1992, Diana didn’t live with him any more, and in 1996, she divorced him. Then Diana lived in a big house in London with her two children. She remembered her childhood. She was very sad when her parent were divorced, so she tried to play with her children a lot. However photographers were always there.

“The most beautiful woman in the world”
Diana didn’t hate all of the photographers. She liked some of them. When Diana was a young girl, she was tall and sometimes fat. She didn’t think she was beautiful. She thought there were more beautiful girls in the world. Because she married a Prince, people made many exciting clothes for her. Diana liked clothes, and she tried to get a beautiful body, too. She went to swimming, dancing, or running every day, and it was good for her illness. After that, she was healthy and happy, and it made her more beautiful.

“Helping people”
Diana was rich and beautiful, and she had a lot of rich and famous friends, but she was still interested in helping people. She worked with many charities. She asked people to give many for the charities, and people did, but Diana wanted to give them love more than money. She talked with them a lot, and gave hug. She didn’t discriminate against any people.

“The accident”
On September 1997, Diana and Dodi, one of Diana’s men friends, went to eat dinner, and after that, they had a very bad accident. Dodi and the driver died in the car, and two hours later, Diana died. More than a million people came to London, and put so many flowers in front of Diana’s house.

That was all I read about her life. Diana was very famous. I think everyone knows her. She was very very very beautiful, but she was more than that. I wish that I can help people sometimes in my future like her. (743/1181 words)

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