

B.R.-5 Gandhi

Chapter 1 An Ordinary Boy
Gandhi’s full name was Mohandes Karamchand Gandhi. I didn’t know his full name, and I don’t know how to pronounce. He was born in 1869 in the west of India. When he was a boy, Britain was a very strong country. Britain Ruled India, and about East India Company was written in Chapter 1. I had learned about East India Company.

Chapter 2 “Coloreds sit in third class!”
Mohandes’ parents found a wife, named Kasturbai for him when he was only thirteen years old, and they got first baby in 1886. It was very common thing at that time. (Now I can’t understand. I still don’t want to marry, yet.) Gandhi’s first job was in Africa, which was also under the British rule. He had to leave his wife and his baby, but he was excited because it wouldn’t be longer than one years. An evening, he was on a train, and a white man got on the train, and said, “Get out of here. Coloreds can’t sit in here.” Gandhi had first class ticket, so he didn’t move because he wasn’t wrong. Then the white man called a police, and they threw him out of the train. Gandhi thought it was wrong, and he stayed in South Africa with his family about twenty years to fight against the discrimination. However things got worse, and they got new laws. Gandhi was sent to prison because of the law sometimes. Gandhi started nonviolence protect. About a month later, World War 1 started.

Chapter 3 “Go and find India”
“Go and find India! Listen, but do not speak. Learn!” These words were from an old Indian friend and a teacher to Gandhi because he was very famous in India, but he didn’t know about his country well. He obeyed the words and went to so many places in India, then met many people. This book said, “He wanted five things: no violence between Hindus and Muslims; the same rights for untouchables (people who does the dirty jobs) as for other Hindus; Indians in Indian clothes; the same rights for women as men; independence for India from British rule.”

Chapter 4 “I wanted to teach India a lesson”
In World War1, Indians fought with British, and died for them. When World War 1 was over, Indians thought that British would give them more rights, but it was wrong. Nothing changed, or went worse. However people didn’t give up. People put off British clothes and wore only Indian clothes. The British thought, “We think he is wating. He will use violence when he is ready.” Then they put Gandhi in prison for two years again.

Chapter 5 “I can’t get away from people!”
Nonviolence protest wasn’t really working. They often used violence between Hindus and Muslims. Gandhi started to fast, and said, “I will eat again when the violence stops. Not before.” Then Hindu and Muslim leaders came to Gandhi to stop and told him that they are not fighting any more. He stopped fighting for Gandhi! I can see how people respected him from that. Often Gandhi was feeling tired, and he stopped going around for meetings and stayed home, ashram with children.

Chapter 6 “We have to do something big.”
At the time, three important readers were there. They were Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Mohammed Ali Jinnah. Nehru liked Gandhi, and he was very close to Gandhi, but Jinnah wasn’t. He didn’t like Gandhi’s idea. These three leaders met British reader to talk about independence, but British were not ready for that. Gandhi thought something to do big thing. In India, it was too hot to live without salt in summer, but they had to pay money to British to sell salt. Then Gandhi and many Indians took salt and sold them in the cities without paying to the British. Of course British put them to prison.

Chapter 7 “I will only eat when the violence ends.”
This time, people didn’t listen to Gandhi’s idea nonviorent protest. People were going to fight against British for independence. There were many other problems, and Gandhi started fast in many places until people stop using violence. It worked little by little.

Chapter 8 “Oh God!”
On January 30, 1948, Gandhi was going to a meeting, and five hundred people were waiting for him. He walked threw the people, but a man didn’t move. He stood in front of Gandhi, and the man shot Gandhi three times! Gandhi said, “Oh god!” and he dead. People were so sad, but they followed Gandhi’s idea after his death.

When I was a elementary school student, I had learned that there was Gandhi in India, and I just knew he fought against violence. Then I knew more about him after reading this book. I recommend people to know about his life. (815/2820 words)

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