

B.R.-4 Audrey Hepburn

This book is about a life Audrey Hepburn. I read this book because I love her movies. I have watched Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Roman Holliday, Paris When it Sizzles, and How to Steal Million. They were old movies, but I liked the stories.
People think she is pretty and beautiful, and talented. I liked her looks, and I think everyone did, but Audrey didn’t like her looks because she has a square-jaw, and she thought she was fat. Can you believe that? This book also told me that she wasn’t always right. I thought every movie that she was in was very famous and people liked it, but it wasn’t always true. This book said that she sometimes made mistakes, too. They had a movie called Green Mansion, and Audrey Hepburn was a bird girl in the movie. However it was her worst movie. Same time, she was pregnant, but when she went to Mexico to take a movie called The Unforgiven, she fell off a horse, then she lost her baby. Isn’t it so sad? When she got older, she began to think that she wants to help poor, hungry children, and she did. She started to work for United Nations in Africa. At the and of this book, a picture of Audrey, almost sixty years old has an African little boy on her back. She just wore light make-up, but she was still so beauty. (237/2005 words)

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