

B.R.-6 The Barbecue

The main character was Donut. His mother was going to be forty years old, so they are having a party. Donut invited his friends and their parents. However Sam was not happy about that because her dad will be working, so he won’t be able to come to the party. Sam was unhappy about that. Donut said that they are going to have barbecue, and he told a story about the barbecue they had last time. The last time, Donut’s stepfather set too close to the garden fence, so the fire leaped to the fence. Then they had to call out the fire brigade. Donut’s friends didn’t believe that. They said Donut is making that up! Donut found his little sister, Cleo and said, “tell everyone what happened last time we had barbecue.” Cleo told everyone about the fire, and they believed that. The Barbecue day came. People brought presents for Mrs. Pringles, and she was so happy. She went to make it sure if the fire is not too close to the garden fence, and Mr. Pringles said that the fire was fine this time. After cooking, Mrs. Pringles started playing the piano, and Mr. Pringles started singing. As he sings, he began to climb a big oak tree. Mrs. Pringle said to come down to him angrily. However Mr. Pringle was so scared and couldn’t come down. Then they called the fire brigade again, and Sam’s dad came. He is a fire fighter, and he helps Mr. Pringle coming back down to the ground. Then Sam’s dad joins to the barbecue, and they all are happy now. I remembered the American style barbecue. It’s so different from Japanese barbecue, but it was really fun, too. (287/3107 words)

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