


I went to Miyazaki!!!
When I woke up, I got a phone call, and it was my friend, Nana. She said, “Let’s go to Miyazaki to see MOAI, and eat Chicken Nanban!” I just said ok. However I got phone call from Nana again, and she said, “Why don’t we just quit going to Miyazaki?” She is always like that, so I said okay. Around 13:00, Nana called me and said, “I changed my mind! Let’s go to Miyazaki.” Can you believe that? I didn’t know what she was thinking! Then she came to pick me up and went to Miyazaki by car. It took about two hours and thirty minutes. However we couldn’t see MOAI because it closes 17:00, and it was almost 17:00. Then we went to Udo-Jinja. Udo-Jinja is a famous shrine in Miyazaki. They had a hole on big stone, and people threw small stones into it, and if they could threw the stones in the hole on big stone, their dreams come true, people say. Of course Nana and tried. The stones are one hundred yen for 5. However the hole on the big stone was kind of farer than we thought! I was going to quit, and I throw the last two stone. Then one of them went into the hole!!! I was so surprised and so happy! However I wished nothing because I thought I shouldn’t be greedy. Then we took some pictures and went to downtown to eat chicken nanban! It was sooooooo yummy! You really should try it sometime!! We had very fun time in Miyazaki. (265 words)

2 件のコメント:

harattyo さんのコメント...
harattyo さんのコメント...

Hi I'm harattyo!!!
I'm comentator for your blog!!!
Do you like Miyazaki?
I like MIyazaki where is so hot, so i like Miyazaki!!!