

B.R.-12 Marcel goes to Hollywood

The main characters in this story are two French mice, Marcel and Celine. One summer, they are on holiday and went to Hollywood. Then they stayed at a house. There is a family, dad, mom, and their daughter, Lois. When everyone in the house was sleeping, they Marcel heard a noise and looked through the window. He saw two men are taking Lois away. There was a note on a door, and it said, “We have the girl. Don’t go to the police. Be in your office tomorrow at 10. We have the telephone number.” In the morning, Lois’s parent notices that Lois isn’t there and finds the note. Marcel and Celine follow Lois’s dad going to his office at ten O’clock. Her dad seems very worried. Then the phone rang, and he answered it. It was the kidnapper, and he said bring one million dollars to a room at twelve O’clock. Of course Lois’s dad goes to the place that the kidnapper said with one million dollar, so the two mice followed him. At twelve O’clock, there was the kidnapper, and Lois’s dad gave him the money, but the kidnapper says that this is only the first time, and he isn’t going to give the daughter back, then he also says to stay home and wait for a phone call. Then Lois’s dad goes back to his home, but the two mice, Marcel and Celine stays with the kidnapper. The kidnapper calls a guy who was with him at the night Lois was taken, and says that he got the money and he is leaving, so the two mice hide in a big bag which money is in. The kidnapper doesn’t notice them, and goes to another kidnapper’s home. It was old, and Lois was in a room. In the night, the kidnapper fell asleep, and Marcel and Celine decided to help Lois. First, they hid the kidnapper’s gun in the kitchen, and carried the phone to another room, and called police to tell about the case. In the morning, two kidnappers wakes up, and there are polices already. They are caught, and Lois is taken back to her home. Her parents are very happy and the mice are happy, too.

This story was really easy to read. They had a lot of cute pictures, too. I wonder why Lois’s parent didn’t call the police because if I were them, I would call the police first. When I was a child, I always wished that animals could speak, but now I don’t because it weird! (431 words)

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